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hoelee: im Infront of your door open up

myanimelegs: what why?-

myanimelegs: im in my pjs 🥺

hoelee: our date remember?

myanimelegs: you never set a proper date for  it thats not fair >:(

hoelee: sorry sungie

myanimelegs: im coming min


"h-hey!" jisung shyly smiled at the brunette boy.
"how you doing sungie?" minho returned the smile and engulfed the younger into a warm hug.

jisung let the older boy inside his house and offered him to drink.
"what are we gonna do today?" jisung asked as he handed minho a glass of water.

"we're going on a cute picnic date!" minho announced with jazzy hands. jisung excitedly clapped and sat beside him.

"you... aren't doing this out of pity, r-right?" jisung hesitantly asked, worry present in his voice.

"of course not! why would you think that baby?" minho pouted. jisung blushed upon hearing the pet name directed to him.

"s-sorry i just...." he fiddled with his fingers in embarrassment. he really didn't want minho to play with his feelings again.

"don't worry sung. cheer up a bit, hm?" minho pinched his cheeks.
jisung nodded and ran up the stairs,
"im gonna get dressed!"

jisung quickly threw on a pair of black jeans and white tee. he ran back downstairs, almost tripping over his own legs, and grabbed a pair of platform boots.

"you changed so quickly! barbie has left the chat." jisung laughed at minho's joke.

"shall we get going?"


minho and jisung walked hand in hand down the pavement towards the park they were heading to for their picnic.

people couldn't help but stare as the two extremely beautiful boys laughed amongst themselves, they looked so bright and happy together.

"here we are!" minho announced. they stopped in front of the park gates. the older boy grinned as he pushed the gates open, making sure to let jisung enter first.

"i haven't been to the park in ages..." jisung sighed. he used to come here all the time.

minho giggled and took a hold of his hands again.
"changbin told me you like quiet areas, so i set up the place near the river behind the trees!" minho exclaimed.

"really?! you didn't have to-"

"shut up yes i did!" minho gave him a sly smile and dragged him towards the trees, their surroundings getting quieter and quieter each step they took. everything felt surreal,

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