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later that evening, minsung and hyunchan ended up going to a bar.

"ok guys... don't do anything stupid, okay?!" chan warned with a stern look. all 3 of them nodded with innocent smiles and ordered their drinks.

"don't worry channie, i have high tolerance!" hyunjin laughed and swung his arm over the shorter's shoulder

a bitch lied.

"hyunjin! stop humping your stool you weirdo! c'mon im dropping you off." chan sighed and dragged the raven head out of the bar.
"well..." minho cleared his throat awkwardly.

him and jisung both had a few drinks but never spoke a word to each other.

"um.." jisung coughed, eyes avoiding the elder's beautiful ones. suddenly, the brunette moved closer to him,

"a-are you okay minh-" he cut him off by placing both his hands on his cheeks. jisung's face instantly flushed red as his heart beat increased.

the elder pulled his face closer to his and giggled. it was obvious that it was the alcohol kicking in.

"you're so c-cute." he slurred and tilted his hair, initiating a kiss.
"minho I don't think t-this is a good idea-"

but it was too late, minho placed his soft lips on jisung's. even though this is what jisung was longing for, it felt wrong.

the younger quickly pulled away,
"what w-was that for?" he asked in shock. minho gave him a confused look and placed his hands on his lap.

"what?" he asked. jisung frowned, what was minho playing at?

"you just k-kissed me!" he yelled. tears of frustration building up in his eyes.

"i didn't kiss you." minho smirked and wrapped his arms around the shorter's neck.

"stop it!" he pushed minho away from him as soon as the elder licked his neck.
minho just looked at him and laughed.

"you're drunk. lets go." he coldly spoke as he pulled minho up,
"that hurts~" the elder whined with a pout.

jisung loosened his grip and placed minho's arm around his shoulder.

"you have a cute n-nose." be giggled with a smile that made jisung furiously blush.
'why does he have to be so fucking attractive all the time...'

"t-thanks?" he carefully placed minho in the passengers seat.
he himself got in the drivers seat and started the car.

"m sorry sungie." he heard minho say before the brunette completely knocked out beside him.

jisung let out a deep sigh and drove minho home.



myanimelegs goodnight 🍓🍓
liked by hyunsexy, chris97, spearbin and 250,393 others

chris97: you aren't drunk yet?😱😱
myanimelegs: surprisingly no

spearbin: jiji reply to dms before going to bedddddd
myanimelegs: i said GOODNIGHT.

hyunsexy: yediwanna eat ur headd yuh
myanimelegs: go to sleep weirdo

feeeelic: what happened to minho
myanimelegs: knocked out


minho stop playin around 💔💔

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