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myanimelegs: hey minho

myanimelegs: are you awake?

hoelee: just woke up

myanimelegs: oh

myanimelegs: how are you feeling?

hoelee: not the best

hoelee: i have a really bad headache

myanimelegs: gws

hoelee: i hope i didn't do anything too extreme last night

hoelee: i get kinda wild when im drunk sorry

myanimelegs: you fucking kissed me|

myanimelegs: nah dw you weren't that bad

hoelee: thankss

myanimelegs: no problem

myanimelegs: you should take some medicine and drink hangover soup

hoelee: will do

hoelee: ttyl?

myanimelegs: yeah


hoelee: lixie :(

feeelic: minho

hoelee: im sorry :((

feeelic: no,,u dont need to apologize

feeelic: i overreacted

hoelee: still, what i did was wrong

feeelic: no. u were right

feeelic: its ur life and you can't force your feelings for someone you dont love

feeelic: the whole situation reminded me of him,,,thats why i took it badly

feeelic: and i didn't want jisung to go through something like that

hoelee: shit

hoelee: im so fucking sorry lixie

feeelic: as i said before, its not ur fault min

feeelic: i should just stop being so sensitive

hoelee: no no no

hoelee: you had every right to be :(

feeelic: can i come over with jinnie?

hoelee: of course

feeelic: thanks :)




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