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"what was i thinking?!" jisung screamed. he was an idiot for inviting minho. but, it was too late to change things now.

he quickly ran to his car, inserting minho's address into the GPS. he ruffled his hair and started the car, not forgetting to put on his seatbelt.

jisung quickly texted chan an 'im omw' and took a deep breath, setting off to go pick up minho.

minho on the other hand was on the verge of tears.
"why did i agree? fuck this is going to be so awkward-- hyunjin is gonna be there too??! and he didn't even tell me!" he whined to himself.

he was wearing a pretty casual outfit. light washed jeans and a black graphic tee along with a pair of checkered vans.

"why are you nervous?! get your shit together!" he glared at himself through the mirror.

"I don't like him..so why am i panicking haha! we're just going as friends!" he reminded himself with a forced laugh.

not long after, his door rang. he instantly sprung up from the ground--dont ask why he was on the ground in the first place--

and ran to the front door, already wanting the ground to swallow him up.
he took a shaky breath and opened the door, revealing a fairly handsome han jisung.

"h-hey!" they both said on sync, causing the both of them to flush in embarrassment. jisung cleared his throat and avoided the elder's beautifully stunning eyes.

"h-h-hey minho!! um..l-lets go?" fuck that was so awkward jisung scratched the back of his neck and let out an awkward laugh.

minho nodded with a smile and followed behind the younger.

"so um...how are you?" minho asked.

jisung let out a soft sigh,
"I'm alright, you?"

"im fine." he smiled. they both stayed silent after that.

jisung decided to play some music to not make things more awkward.
"i like this song...who is it by?" minho's voice snapped him out of his trance. jisung's eyes widened as a faint blush made its way on his chubby cheeks.

"i-i... it's by m-me." he mumbled, loud enough for minho to hear. the elder let out a gasp and quickly clasped his hand over his mouth.

"r-really?! that's amazing holy shit!" minho clapped his hands together out of habit.

"haha t-thanks." jisung smiled.

"you need to show me how to make music some day!" the brunette exclaimed with excitement. how could jisung say no?



"channie!" hyunjin called out and hugged the elder boy.

"jinnie!" he hugged back. hyunjin smiled and ruffled the shorter's very damaged hair.

"your hair dude...please i need to take care of it as soon as possible." he snicked, recieving a glare in return.

"thats mean." chan pouted and sat down.

"so, jisung is coming with minho huh?" hyunjin wiggled his eyebrows. chan nodded as he scanned through the comic books that were already on the table.

"mhm, why?" he asked.

"do you think they're fucking in the car or what? they're supposed to be here by now." he bit back a smirk. chan blushed at the very inappropriate thought and quickly shook his head.

"whats wrong with you?! t-theres probably traffic." he huffed. hyunjin laughed in amusement.

"eh. how bout we ditch and go have sex, hm?" the taller whispered into the elder's ear as he leaned closer, playing with chan's jacket zip.

chan pushed him away and let his head fall onto the table, hiding his extremely red face from hyunjin.

"n-no! you horny brat." he muttered under his breath.

"im just playing with you channie~" hyunjin laughed and rubbed the honey haired boy's back.

'you better stop before i do something im gonna regret.'



ey cuties xx sorry for this shitty chapter <3

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