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hoelee: hey sungie

myanimelegs: gm min hry

hoelee: im great wbu

myanimelegs: over the moon 🙈

myanimelegs: especially after you confessed

myanimelegs: depression = cured 😻


hoelee: we could do it again yknow 😏

hoelee: i could even maybe warm your cock 🙈

myanimelegs: BYE-

hoelee: what i thought it was a good memory

myanimelegs: best thing ever ngl  😳

hoelee: so you still want me to 😌

myanimelegs: obviously 😩

myanimelegs: BUT

myanimelegs: thats for next next time 😏

hoelee: ok mamacita 😻

myanimelegs: oh shit gtg chans texting me

hoelee: dropping me for that bald bitch huh

hoelee: i see how it is 🙄

myanimelegs: shut up ur my number 1  😡

hoelee: thats cringy

myanimelegs: 😿

hoelee: i see you've adapted to my cat phase

myanimelegs: the emojis remind me of your

hoelee: my what

hoelee: my pussy?

myanimelegs: YOU*


hoelee: oh-


they aint even official yet 🙄

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