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chris97: hey hyunjin

hyunsexy: hey channie

Chris97: can you ask Minho if him and jisung had a fight or something? sungie looks upset

hyunsexy: oh?

hyunsexy: ok I'll ask <3

chris97: tysm b

hyunsexy: yw daddy



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hyunsexy: hey hoe

hyunsexy: you and jisung fought?

hoelee: .

hoelee: no? why lmao

hyunsexy: chan said he's sad

hoelee: uh

hoelee: he's probs jealous that im going on a date ig

hyunsexy: hold up

hyunsexy: you're going on a date?!

hyunsexy: with who?

hoelee: a girl named herim

hyunsexy: minho

hyunsexy: you know jisung likes you alot, right?

hoelee: yeah

hyunsexy: you shouldn't play with his feelings like that

hoelee: how am i playing with his feelings?

hyunsexy: did you even think about how he would feel when you told him you're going on a date

hyunsexy: with a GIRL may i add

hyunsexy: you're gay what's wrong with you?!

hoelee: calm down its just a date

hyunsexy: you're literally using jisung  :/

hoelee: stop saying that

hyunsexy: did i lie tho?

hoelee: i dont like him in that way, ok?!

hoelee: im not just gonna force feelings now am i

hyunsexy: im disappointed

hoelee: im still older than you so fuck off

hyunsexy: fine then, you do you

hyunsexy: but change how you treat jisung, you ass


shawty like a melody in my head

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