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myanimelegs: who tf is jaysung

hoelee: you dumbass

myanimelegs: OH

myanimelegs: i left early in the morning

hoelee: meanie

hoelee: i have ur hoodie btw 🌚

myanimelegs: thats not the only thing you have....

hoelee: wdym 🙄

myanimelegs: you also have my heart 😎


hoelee: smooth ig 🙄

1 new notification! "felix: he's blushing btw xoxo"

myanimelegs: are u blushing?

hoelee: no ❤️

myanimelegs: liar

hoelee: shut up

hoelee: wait no comeback plz

hoelee: fine i was

myanimelegs: i know you were 😌

hoelee: shut up my head hurts

myanimelegs: then why are u texting me  🙄

hoelee: bc im dumb ok

myanimelegs: wbk

hoelee: anyways im going back to sleep byebye

myanimelegs: bye stupid 💕


I can't believe i accidentally confessed to him last night this is embarrassing!" minho groaned. felix laughed and patted minho's thigh.

"its better that way. now stop being a wuss and tell him you like him again but properly!" the aussie said.

"ugh leave me alone felix, i go at my own pace." minho pulled the blanket over his head.

"happy birthday by the way smh." minho mumbled.

"thank you, meanho."


another update bc why not lol

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