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Minho sighed as he walked down the streets. He went out to get some snacks and drinks but ended up buying shit he didn't even need.

Just as he turned a corner, he heard yelling and laughing. Out of curiousity, he peeked at the boy stumbling down the side walk, occasionally falling onto the road.
'he's probably drunk.' the brunette scoffed and groaned, he needed to get to the other side to get to his apartment.

"hEeey!" the drunk boy slurred. Minho gave him an annoyed glance, then gasped.

"j-jisung?!" (oh wow who would've thought?!!) Minho almost dropped the shopping bags.

"hheY bAby!" He grinned and practically jumped into the elder's arms. Minho was stunned, Jisung was more handsome in real life.
"you-you lookk soo nicee!" Jisung drunkily grinned, then fell to the ground laughing.

"get off the road." Minho groaned. He could leave the boy there and act like nothing happened, though that was mean.
"ok um..." Minho grabbed Jisung's arm and dragged him to his apartment.
"are yuuu kidnapping Jisung!?" Jisung gasped and pushed Minho away. Minho almost let out a laugh.
"why the fuck are you talking in third person, c'mon lets go." he giggled. Jisung slung his arm over the elder's shoulder, feeling tired.

Soon enough, they arrived. Minho unlocked the door and dropped the shopping bags in the kitchen, Jisung crawling behind him.
"Sungie is tir-ed." he hiccuped. He then layed on the cold wooden floor, hugging himself and closing his eyes.

"hey! get up you reek of alcohol!" Minho whined and quickly ran over to the younger.

"MinMin..." he mumbled and wrapped his arms protectively around the elder. Minho blushed and quickly removed his arms.
"I'll go find something for you to wear..."


"Change into this." Minho threw Jisung a pair of sweatpants and a loose oversized tee. Jisung lazily removed his shirt and tossed it to the side, revealing his well toned chest.
"you have a slim waist." Minho comments and crossed his arms, shamelessly staring at the younger's body.

"mm i know." He yawned then jumped onto Minho's luxurious kind sized bed.
"hey! aren't you gonna wear the sweatpants?!" Minho yelled. Jisung shook his head, too exhausted to speak. Minho groaned and eventually accepted the fact that he'd have to sleep with the pant-less boy (fuck it is it even a word).


The next morning, Minho woke up to Jisung's handsome face snuggling into his chest. He got out of the younger's grip and decided to make breakfast.

a few minutes passed and Jisung then woke up.
"fuck my head hurts so bad..." he muttered, then realized he wasn't in his bed.
"shit!" he whispered to himself and slowly tried to get out of bed, but ended up falling onto the ground.

"Jisung?" A soft familiar voice called out. Foot steps could be heard coming towards the room.

"please dont kill me i still havent streamed more and more enough pleahse!- b-babes?!" Jisung gasped. Minho gave him a judging look and helped him off the ground.
"holy shit your hands are so small and cute just like you!!" Jisung gave him a gummy smile and and held his hands in awe.

"l-let go of my hands!" Minho blushed and quickly pushed Jisung away.
"how did i end up here anyways? i never thought we'd meet like...this." He wiggled his eyebrows.
It took Minho a few seconds to comprehend what he meant.

"HEY! WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT OKAY?!!" he screamed and Jisung covered his ears.
"damn okay! i was kidding!" He pouted.
"i made breakfast, come eat."

"okay babes!"

"put pants on, please." Minho tried to hard to not look down.
"o-oh! right!"


i hate this chapter bruh

tysm for 11k reads my fellow hot bitches ಥ‿ಥ♥️

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