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tw// mentions of abuse, toxic family , homophobia

"han jisung." his father called him downstairs. jisung rolled his eyes and got off his bed. he looked towards his bedside table, where his phone was supposed to be, only to find it empty. he sighed and decided to go downstairs and see what his dad wanted.

once he got midway down the stairs, he saw his parents piercing gaze rip right through him.
what did i do now?

he thought as he slowly reached the bottom of the stairs.

jisung anxiously made his way towards his parents, who were seated at the dining table.

"y-yes?" his voice came out as a squeak. his mother glared at him and showed him his very own phone. the dark haired boy felt his heart sink to the bottom of his stomach upon seeing his own phone, his privacy , in his parents hands. he anxiously clenched his fists and gave them a confused look.

"who the fuck is this?!" his mother yelled at him and shoved his phone into his face. jisung stepped back a little to get a better view of the contact name.


his chats with minho were open.

"goodnight sungie i love you." his father scoffed and let out a sour laugh as he read the most previous text.

"please tell me its a girl." his mother spoke. jisung's eyes stared to fill with tears.

he watched as his mother scrolled further up his chats with his boyfriend. a few seconds later, she gasped and showed something to his father.

his father slammed his hand on the table and stood up.

"you faggot!" his scream rang through jisung's body. those words shot through him like a bullet already in a wounded area.

all he wanted was to run to minho and let the older boy cuddle him to sleep.

he watched as his mother's nose flared in anger.

"you fucking disgrace!" she spat harshly at him.

i know

"what the fuck is wrong with you?!" his dad grabbed his collar and threw him to the ground like a ragdoll.

jisung already knew what was coming.


"jisung- why are there bruises on your face?!" minho gasped upon seeing his boyfriend, who was decorated in purplish bruises all over his body.

jisung looked so tired, like he was about to collapse. the young boy threw himself into minho's embrace, clinging onto his shirt.

"m-minho..." he whispered. his voice sounded so broken.

"jisung baby? what happened?!" minho carried the younger to his sofa. jisung took a few uneven breaths, trying to hold back his tears.

"i-i hate th-them min!" he broke down completely. minho rubbed the younger's back in attempt to comfort him.

"t-they went through my phone a-and--- they found out about us min! m-my parents! " he cried. minho frowned and pulled the younger into a comforting hug.

"shh baby, lets treat your bruises and cuts and talk about it later, okay?" minho placed a kiss on his forehead.

the older boy quickly ran to the bathroom and returned with a first aid kit.


the two boys were now cuddled up on minho's bed in comfortable silence.
"i-im so sorry sungie." minho said as tears built up in his eyes once again. seeing his boyfriend in such a state really hurt him.

"m-minnie don't cry..." jisung whined. both their eyes were puffy.

"t-they shouldn't even be called p-parents!" minho cried. jisung gave his lover a weak smile and ruffled his hair.

"i-i love you so much sungie, you're so strong." minho said, taking a hold of the younger's bigger hands. jisung blushed and gave him a shy smile,
"i love you more min."

"lets forget about them for now minnie. how about we finish that kdrama we started last week, hm?" jisung giggled as the older boy rubbed his teary eyes and nodded with a laugh.

"whatever you say baby."


sorry for the late update jsjsjs

hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and sorry for the triggering topics :( <3

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