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chris97: i love you @myanimelegs
liked by hyunsexy, feeelic, myanimelegs and 324,205 others

myanimelegs: ❤️

hyunsexy: if minho doesn't wan't him, i'll gladly have him @hoelee @hoelee @hoelee @hoelee
chris97: no
hoelee: .

feeelic: @speabin this could be us but you playin
spearbin: i hardly know you and we barely speak to each other-

seungk: jisung deserves better honestly
chris97: yep
feeelic: yep
spearbin: yep
seungk: yep
hyunsexy: yep
jeong.in: yep
myanimelegs: nah lol

jeong.in: aw 😿♥️

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[dance whores]

hoelee: guys

feeelic: get your shit together, then come talk to me asshole  @hoelee

hoelee: not you too

feeelic: im so ashamed of you Lee Minho.

hyunsexy: felix spoke nothing but facts

hoelee: what the fuck??

hoelee: is it wrong to fucking socialize with a girl now?!

hyunsexy: yes

hoelee: you guys are insane

feeelic: no minho, YOU are the insane one here

feeelic: first of all, you act lovey dovey towards jisung, literally playing with his feelings and giving him hope since he obviously likes you

feeelic: then you suddenly go on a date with a random bitch out of nowhere

feeelic: and after you fucking neglect him?!

feeelic: you're really a jerk minho.

hyunsexy: yes go off lixie!

hoelee: I can't make feelings fucking appear out of nowhere though can i?

hoelee: I don't like jisung, I can't suddenly catch feelings for him

hoelee: you want me to force my feelings? that won't do any good

feeelic: stop fucking victimising yourself minho ffs

feeelic: I really hate you right now

feeelic: do you even think about his mental health? do you even CARE?!

feeelic: i hate you


hyunjin: i see nothing but fax 🤩

hyunjin: in conclusion, you're being a bitch rn.

hyunjin: if you're gonna become straight and neglect jisung then get ready to say bye to 8 years of friendship :/ xx


felix didn't stutter now did he

its 2am gn i love you guys so much
( ˘ ³˘)♥

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