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myanimelegs: don't take that shit serious lmfao i was just kidding

hoelee: mk

hoelee: not something to joke about but alright.

myanimelegs: yeah um

myanimelegs: imma just...

myanimelegs: slide into Chan's dms....

hoelee: whatever...

[fat roach]

myanimelegs: tell me i did not just pull my depressed shit in Minho's dms


yanimelegs: he probably thinks im a depressed freak now

Chris97: you did not just pull your depressed shit in Minho's dms

myanimelegs: :') thank you

Chris97: all jokes aside tho, u good bro?

Chris97: bin told me what happened when i left

myanimelegs: im alright ig

Chris97: I'm gonna buy you ramen dw

Chris97: anything else you want?

myanimelegs: ...sour candy pls

Chris97: fine fine

Chris97: don't pull that shit again ok?

myanimelegs: fine

Chris 97: love you <3

myanimelegs: love you too dad xoxo

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