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"sungie?" minho called out a little above a whisper. jisung perked his head up, waiting for the older to continue.

"yes, love?" minho's heart fluttered at his soft tone. he took a deep breath, what he was about to do was very risky and could go terribly wrong.

"i want to..." he began. jisung was looking at him with so much love that he could easily just overdose from it. he felt his voice get caught up in his throat, which very much frustrated him. he let out an angry whine and cleared his throat, causing jisung to let out a melodic giggle.

"what's wrong? are you struggling to express your thoughts?" minho nodded at his boyfriend's question.

"you can show me if you want." if only jisung knew minho's naughty intentions...

minho slowly made his way towards jisung and sat on his lap, hiding his face into the younger's neck. jisung, who was still very oblivious to his lover's intentions, wrapped his arms around his waist with a loving smile.

"you want to cuddle?" he giggled. 

"fuck.."   minho wanted to face palm. tired of his oblivious boyfriend, he got an idea. 

hesitantly, he rolled his hips in jisung's lap. making jisung release a breathy moan.


"c-can we?" minho finally said.

"if you want to, then sure." jisung smiled and kissed minho's cheek. minho blushed and smiled, hoping off jisung's lap.

"i'll be right back sungie!" minho kissed him and ran off to his room with a grin. he pulled out a special box and took out what it contained,

a pretty white skirt and a pink collar along with high-knee white stockings.

he quickly put them on, tripping over his own feet during the process, and then gave himself a little twirl. watching in fascination as the skirt spun with him.

minho was nervous about the whole situation to say the least, how would jisung react to him dressing his way?

knowing the younger, he's sure that jisung wouldn't care less. which reassured him a little.

he took a deep breath and opened the door.

"j-jisung!" he yelled out. he heard shuffling from the livingroom in response.

minho started to nervously fiddle with his small fingers as he sat down on his bed, awaiting his boyfriend's arrival.

jisung wasted no time and entered the bedroom, eyes instantly widening at his boyfriend, who sat on the bed in his beautiful outfit.

"m-minho..." he breathed out. minho blushed and avoided eye contact.

"fuck minho you look absolutely....stunning !" jisung exclaimed, pupils dilating at the sight. minho blushed and stood up, wrapping his arms around jisung's neck.

the two boys wasted no time in connecting their lips into a lustful yet loving kiss. jisung lifted minho into the air for a short second before carefully placing him on to the soft sheets of the bed.

the brunette looked absolutely breathtaking underneath jisung. pretty pink plushy lips parted as he pant softly, cloudy eyes staring right back at him. he looked so ethereal like this.

"you're too beautiful for this world, min." jisung spoke, leaving a few kisses on his neck, admiring the pretty collar that was placed on his milky skin. minho let out soft mewls at the younger's actions, back arching ever so slightly.

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