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jisung sighed and stared at himself through the mirror.
' its my birthday...' a smile slowly crept onto his face.

he ruffled his dark hair and grabbed his phone.

chan: baby!

jisung: channie!

chan: happy birthday sweetheart c:

jisung: thank youuu

chan: come over at 6pm btw

jisung: for what

chan: sleepover at my house

chan: we're gonna celebrate ur bday!!

jisung: who's gonna be there?

chan: just our friends dw

jisung: okay! 🥰

chan: see you then!

jisung: u too hyung 

jisung smiled and decided to go for a small walk to kill time. he threw on a simple hoodie and sweats and left the house.


it was now 5pm and jisung was on his way to chan's house, the cold air brushed against his skin as he walked down the pavement.

"boo!" jisung practically fell to the ground.
"loser!" minho laughed and helped the younger back up.

"happy birthday sungie!" he hugged him. jisung was stunned, he slowly hugged back and mumbled a small "thank you"

"c'mon lets go- you're on your way to chan's house, right?" the older boy said

"y-yeah." jisung replied. minho smiled and grabbed his hand,
"great! lets go."

once the two boys arrived, they knocked on the door.
"there you guys are!" chan greeted them, he gave minho a warm smile and pulled jisung in for a hug.

"come inside!" jisung followed behind minho and entered the house. chan's house was basically his safe place. he shamelessly jumped onto the sofa and left out a sigh.

"jiiiisung!" a familiar aussie beamed and jumped onto the sofa, sitting beside him.

"birthday buddy!" jisung grinned and hugged felix.

"happy birthday!" they both said on sync, causing them to burst into a fit of laughter.

chan smiled as he watched the scene happen, seeing jisung smile was the most important thing to him.

not long after, changbin arrived. felix smirked as he saw the short boy nervously glance at him.
"hey potato head." he grinned.

"felix, be nice." seungmin warned.

"yeah felix, be nice." changbin glared and sat down. felix rolled his eyes and sat beside him.

"you didn't reply to my messages after i called you hot. were you flustered changbinnie?" felix giggled. changbin blushed and shook his head.

"no! i-i was busy and then fell asleep..." he defended himself.

minho eventually sat besides jisung and wrapped his arms around the younger.

"now you can't call me a hag!" he giggled. jisung tried to fight back a smile,

"yes i can, oldie!" he taunted. minho pouted and playfully kicked his legs.

"meanie!" he huffed and faked a cry. jisung panicked and pulled the older boy closer towards him.
"silly! they're gonna think i did something to you!" he scolded.

"i mean- that's the whole point dummy." minho laughed. jisung threw him a glare and rolled his eyes.

"you're supposed to be nice to me on my birthday..." jisung childishly crossed his arms.

"i am being nice!" minho scoffed.

"whatever meanho." jisung sighed and grabbed the packet of spicy sensation crisps that were on the coffee table.

"share some with me please." minho pleaded. jisung shook his head and pushed minho away.

"pwease!" minho tried to act cute. jisung gagged,

"no, weirdo!" jisung laughed. minho crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"looks like its just you and me~" hyunjin wiggled his eyebrows and threw himself onto the shorter male.
"yeah whatever." chan laughed and resumed his cooking.

"need help?" hyunjin asked as he leaned onto the counter.
"if you don't mind." the older boy patted hyunjin's shoulder.

hyunjin nodded and took the knife and chopping board out of chan's grip.

a few hours passed and it was now 10pm. hyunjin and jeongin were drunk, felix was bullying changbin, chan was playing mario kart with seungmin, minho and jisung were taking pictures together.

"look look! can i post this?" jisung waved his phone in minho's face.
"i look weird in that photo." minho yelled. jisung giggled and proceeded to post it on instagram.


myanimelegs: @hoelee 🙈
liked by 294,022 others

"im gonna drink a bit, wanna join me?" minho asked as he hopped off the sofa. jisung shrugged and eventually agreed to.

one drink turned into five and minho was practically all over the younger. jisung was still somewhat sober, despite the fact that he drank quite a lot too.

"um minho...why are you trying to get into my hoodie?" jisung tiredly said. minho laughed,
"its m-mine now, fucker." he pushed jisung away and wore his hoodie.

"whatever." jisung blushed and crossed his arms. minho looked really cute in his hoodie.

"come here and kiss me baby."

"no." jisung laughed as he saw minho groan and take his anger out on hyunjin, who was knocked out.

"b-but i like you! don't you like me t-too?" he whined.

"oop- i knew that bitch liked you"  felix laughed. jisung was flustered and didn't know how to respond. did minho actually confess to him drunk?


sucks but better than nothing

and yay he's gay!

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