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"did i do something wrong, hyung?" jisung asked out of the blue. currently fiddling with his hoodie strings, sat next to chan on his bed.

"no...why?" the elder replied with confusion.

"why doesn't he love me? am i annoying?" the raven head let out a painful laugh. chan frowned and turned away from his laptop, staring at the younger with concern.


"i know i'm not enough but, i'm trying my b-best." he smiled, eyes fixed on his lap.

chan's heart squeezed painfully against his chest, he was frozen in his place listening to the younger's words.

"i-i really am trying." jisung's eyes slowly became glossy.

"w-what if it's because of my s-scars? are they t-too ugly for him? after all, i'm o-only one month c-clean." his voice quivered.

chan felt his own eyes water,
"n-no...." he whispered under his breath, he hated seeing the younger upset.

"i-i'm trying my best, right c-channie?" a tear flowed down his cheek.

"y-yes you are baby." the elder wasted no time and wrapped his arms protectively around the younger.

"i-i love you so much, im so fucking proud o-of you sungie." chan reminded him as he let his tears fall.

his shirt was already damp from tears, not like he cared. it really hurt him seeing jisung cry. he was like a younger brother to him.

"i'm s-sorry hyung." the younger sniffed as he snuggled closer into chan's chest.

"d-don't apologize baby, you did nothing wrong."



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