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Tw// slight smut, phone sex

hoelee: i miss you :( 

myanimelegs: i just left-

hoelee: and? i still miss you 

myanimelegs: aw my little kitten misses me :')

hoelee: call me that again

myanimelegs: what? kitten?

hoelee: yes 

myanimelegs: aw do you have a kitten kink huh? thats cute 

hoelee: its all fun and games until i bounce up and down on your dick 

myanimelegs: woah w-what

hoelee: you heard me. 

myanimelegs:  stop you're making me feel weird :(

hoelee: aw do you have a dirty talk kink? thats cute  

hoelee: bet ur hard right now

hoelee: tell me sungie, are you?

myanimelegs: w-why do you wanna know...

hoelee: so you are huh 

hoelee: thats embarrassing sungie, i barely said anything..

hoelee is calling... 

accept | decline

ongoing call



"you're touching yourself aren't you?"

"i-it hurts..."

"of course it does. silly baby got hard just by one sentence. how pathetic" 

"what happened hm, you pictured it didn't you? is that what made you hard?" 

jisung could practically feel minho's smirk through the screen 

"yeah...f-fuck minho"

minho giggled softly. jisung sounded so desperate

"poor baby...all alone taking care of his problem. tell me baby, does it feel good? does it feel good touching yourself to your kitten's voice? bet it does"  

minho could hear jisung mumble a few words before getting interrupted by a loud moan.

"feels a-amazing! m close h-hyung! please let sungie cum!"

"go ahead baby." 

thats all jisung needed before desperately chasing his release. 

"s-shit minho!" he moaned before strings of his semen shot out of his shaft and splattered all over his hand.

"y-you're evil." jisung tiredly laughed.

"i know baby. now, go clean yourself and text me when you're done. love you lots!" 

"love you too meanie."

1 new message from chirs97 



woah um... yeah that happened!!

hope you guys enjoyed this pretty shitty chapter xx

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