Chapter 3

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"Jo?! Oh my, How are you?! Its been like 5 years what has happened to you leaving your acting career like that!"

I smirked as she started ranting out perfectly what i remembered Jamie to be.

"Yeah. Look Jamie I'm really really sorry for not contacting you guys or sending you even a single text. But im still alive. And still breathing the fresh air of Perth."

I chuckled as i sat down on my bed it produces a noise that does not sound good. My eyebrows furrowed.

I really need to get out and buy a new bed this might have snake living inside of it for many years.

"Well you better be! It was all so fast Jo, I couldn't believe you would do that! In all honesty i would not think you can give up your dreams that easily Jo, No matter what reason there is." I can hear the sound of many people chattering from the background of her call. She must be at work.

Or maybe she is with Hero right now? Is she even still his manager? I have no idea, I haven't heard and even tried to search him up for many years. All i know is that he is still producing movies up this point.

"Well the reason is very complicated. My are parents are not in pretty good terms and are not in pretty good terms so i just needed to go home right away." I tried making up excuses only me to cringe on what i just said.

"Okay. Same old Jo, Still lame with her excuses. Alright this call better be unto something or else im throwing a riot." She exclaimed and i laughed only to stop when i heard a familiar british accent from the background.

"Who's that?"

I bit my lips and tried to keep my heart calm but failed. Confirming my thoughts, So Jamie is still his manager huh?

It has been years, I will never forget even an inch of him. The sweet and charming british boy that stole my heart away.

I panicked when i heard Jamie explaining something to Hero and i felt my heart stopped when she mentioned my name! I almost forgot Jamie didn't know hero and i's dirty little secret.

Or did he tell anyone? It will be the best tragedy, Josephine Langford dying because of embarrassment of sleeping with her co star.

"Hey Jamie, Im just going to message you about it. Okay? Bye, Love You!" My mouth said continuously without stopping i don't even think she understood it i just ended the call right away.

What if hero heard me? Or worse what if Jamie tell him about my plans? It will be the end of me to see him again. I cant see him again. I couldn't be able to take it!

Then i started thinking, Of all people do i really want Jamie to be my manager? She was the best of the best but...

I disappointedly frowned at my thoughts. I am not blowing this chance just because of Hero. Whatever happens he needs to stay out of it and ill focus on my career more.

And i swear that.

To: Jamie

Im sorry i have to cut short my cat pooped on my feet and it smells like spoiled pancakes.  Anyway i wanted to ask if we could have a comeback, You know be my manager again?

I let out a groan as i lay down the soft mattress of my bed instantly hearing a purr right behind my ears and instantly felt the warmth of a furry cheek, i looked up to see my cat Monty sleeping soundly.

I smirked and lifted my hand to caress my fingers on its head, i saw how he reacted comfortably from it and even tilted his neck for me to scratch. His body vibrated through my fingertips.

My phone beeped and i almost saw stars when i opened it in the dark with its full brightness.

"What the fuck? Thats disgusting! Have your cat checked. Btw that is amazing news Jo, I am so proud of you for taking another chance. I promise i wont let you down. Ill send you the details on your email and we'll get settled. Love you!" She responded and i just let out a satisfied grin and then i stopped.

Before i could stop myself i was in my safari and searching his name. Hero Fiennes Tiffin. Many article came upon me.

Mad dating rumors, i see. There is even a video of him kissing a girl on bar in London! Still the same old terrible but also terrific Hero. I also saw some more article regarding his achievements and past and present project more on so and apparently he is till modeling under storm agency til this day.

Is he already married? I doubt it but, Its been five years. Its impossible he's not even banging someone right now.

I shook my head and hurriedly cleared up my search history and threw my phone on the edge of my bed.

"Hey baby. Had a rough day of dealing with my dad's banters. Didn't you?" I cooed at my sleepy cat and grabbed his warm fur to embrace so i can cuddle him as i drifted off to sleep.

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