Chapter 19

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I took my time to get dressed for the next shoots. Not wanting to remember what just happened.

I really need to set a reminder to my phone. This is for my dreams. Not for hero.

Why do i keep forgetting that every time he tries to talk to me? It was if he has the power to hypnotize woman!

I snorted when i remembered all the girls that he might have messed around with. He is not even that hot. Maybe just average looking.

Jamie fixed my dress and Toni retouched some of my makeup. Now i am wearing a white long lacy beach dress that has a slit in the middle and the tail reaches my toe. I have to wear heeled sandals to pair with it.

It was sleeveless and the neck goes down and in a V shape so it is still showing my breast. I was relief when i saw it was more decent than the other one i was wearing. But it still very revealing!

"You look you're ready to get married! Are you sure this is not a prenup?" I heard Jamie said with wide eyes when she saw me.

I laughed. She is right. Especially with my hair now pulled up into a messy bun with the baby hairs down. The golden locks are very evident.

"Are you ready to get married Josephine?! Who's your groom tho? Cant be Claude. Because I'm claiming him mine!" Toni exclaimed as he locks the necklace on my neck. It was simple pearl pendant. And he also paired them with pearl earrings.

"You can have Claude. Im not stealing him. He is not my type." I responded and he laughed.

"Oh really? I must say Josephine. You really are indeed a great actress. You stared at that man like he was the love of your life!" Jamie exclaimed sounding shocked and they all laughed.

"Well who is your type then. Spill. Its all just ladies. Who will know?" Toni exclaimed and i saw Laura smirking that made me nervous.

"Nope Toni. Josephine is not that kind of girl. She doesn't like no guys and is straight on her priority. Am i right babe?" Laura said defending me to stop all the nonsense.

I looked at her on the mirror and smiled at her to say thanks and she just mouthed "you're welcome".

And that moment i realized that it was blessing that she was the one who caught us. I don't know but Laura seems like the kind of person to keep your secrets.

"Yes now stop with the juicy gossip. Makes me feel lonely." I laughed playing along. Both Jamie and Toni groaned.

"You aint lonely. Stop fucking with me. You just missing Daddy Dean!" Jamie almost shouted and grabbing the attention of half the people on the beach.

I watch with red cheeks as i saw how Hero turned his head abruptly to us. He was grilling some patty for the crew. Now wearing a plain grey shirt and his shorts from earlier. He stopped when he heard Jamie's teasing.

"Jamie. Oh my god!" I just groaned not able to say anything because i was so embarrassed! I think it is all i feel every time I'm with this woman!

"Okay. Ill stop. Im just trying to lighten up your mood." She said and in between her laughs she gave me a warm smile.

It was around on the afternoon when we had the second shoot like the first one it was a success not until my clumsy self touched something i shouldn't had!

We were in the middle of the shoot. And my back was pressed into Claude's bare hard chest. His face on my neck and i was tilting my head to look at him.

Until then i felt something poked on the small of my back! And i am no saint to realize what it was!

After the shoot. I was feeling uncomfortable and uneasy. That i immediately turned away from Claude. We are having the third and final shoot. And i am so eager to just finish it.

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