Chapter 10

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The sun was almost out when i woke from my deep sleep. I can feel my whole body throbbing desperately needing a massage.

I stood up to flex my joints. I am sore but i still promised myself i would go out tonight and check the city.

Some of my friends always told me that London has one of the best night views. And some of them actually had their honeymoon here. They gave me a list of unfamiliar places to go but i was still curious to see them.

Plus i needed some foods into the fridge if i am going to stay here long until next month because of the modeling then i might as well adjust.

I grabbed my bomber jacket and only fixed my bed hair letting it down from my ponytail. I see how the end has small curls.

Before leaving i made sure i have my wallet and then i was out of the hotel. It was already past 7 and it is still very bright outside!

I had been to London only a few times so i am familiar of some streets. I was actually here once with Hero.

I tried to shrug the bitter memories buried on the back of my brain and found myself on a famous clothing boutique.

I ended up shopping for clothes since i couldn't bring my whole closet and i only have minimal outfits.

A smile appeared on my lips when i saw a small dark blue jacket that is seemingly for kids. Jacob would love this one! I decided to add it on my cart and left the shop with two big paper bags.

I was still looking around for some sort of grocer store or even a convenient when i notice some people were staring at me.

After a while of being outside i had noticed many are giving me side glances and some are even staring shamelessly!

"Hi beautiful. Need some help?" A man asked when i walked past the side of the road. There were a group of men smoking.

I continued walking faster already panicking. Panting and catching my breath and i let out a sigh of relieve when i saw convenient store.

London can be fun to explore to but it can also be very dangerous especially at night time.

I was on the middle of placing foods and snacks on my basket when my phone beeped from my pocket.

"Hey." I started. It was Jamie, I was done with my basket so i walked over on the cashier.

"You are awake already? I thought you'll be hibernating for the next 2 months. Did you already had dinner?" She asked and i shrug trying my best to fish out some money from my pocket.

Honestly life could be more easier if i had three arms. I cling my head and placing my phone so it can reached my ears as i fiddled on my dollars.

"Yeah. Already buying some, mom. I think I'm just going to eat fast food." I replied and grunted frustratedly when i still search for some coins. And i am already next in line!

"Fuck!" I cursed out loud when my phone slid out from my shoulders and i watch how it fell on the ground.

I was about to kneel when somebody already picked it up.

"Thanks." I replied without looking at the person and turned my back to face the cashier and placed my phone inside my bag.

"You're welcome." I stopped dead on track when i heard his voice.

It couldn't be. I quickly whipped my head to catch him but he was already gone. I was breathing heavily.

"Mam are you okay?" I heard the cashier woman asked in a worried tone and i just shook my head trying to calm myself.

I hurriedly left the convenient store after paying. Im going back to my apartment. There is no way in hell that I'm staying in these streets with the thought that he is here!

I cant be mistaken. That baritone voice and the laced British accent that i had been hearing ever since the launch of my first movie in the filming industry.

Our first movie. That voice that haunts me for many years. I was not ready god damn it!

Tears were falling out of my eyes when i finally reached my room. I placed the bags frantically on the table. And ran on my bed to cry.

"You have to stop. Please stop." I sobbed trying to punch my heart from my chest.

So the feelings are there. My biggest fears are confirmed. It never went away, Even after five fucking years.

But then i realized what just happened. So he saw me but i didn't see him? I was not looking. Why was i not looking?!

His voice were still the same only deeper and huskier but i didn't know about his appearance.

Why is he even in the city?! Doesn't he live on Heathrow?! Why do i need to bump into him of all people in London!

I shook my head and groaned against my pillow. I have to get used to seeing him. Letting myself get affected by him will distract me from my career especially now i need to be working with him.

Im still stuck with then and until now. It was if the gravity was pulling us together on purpose!

My hands were weak as i tried to hold my phone when it beeped. It was from Jamie.

From: Jamie

What the fuck happened to you? It felt like i got shot on my ear! Was there a gun shot where you were or something?

Licking my lips i decided not to ask her where Hero is right now so i can confirm my thoughts. I was tempted but i stopped myself.

To: Jamie

Yeah I'm sorry. It was because of the gravity my phone fell, Not my fault. And yes on my way to cook dinner.

I stared depressingly at the easy to cook chicken salad i bought from the convenient store from earlier.

After Jamie gave me the reminder and demonstrating me how to eat healthier i decided to give up on my favorite snacks and dinner.

This is the first step of modeling and i already think I'm failing.

From: Jamie

Alright better listen to what i said to you about keeping your posture Josephine. And be sure to wake up early tomorrow. We are signing you to Storm so you can get started. Dress up something nice okay? Good night Jo.

I just sighed and turned the phone down and i almost felt a tear escaped from from my eye when i took the first bite. I have no idea how models can eat this three times a day in a week. It has no flavors!

It was then i remembered something, or rather someone. I started at my phone for a while before lifting it to my hand trying my best to compose a text.

To: Katherine

Hey, i know you're busy but i just really wanted to know if you're okay..

I immediately regretted the words and i ended up deleting the message anyways, sighing deeply as the worry intensifies and i stare down at my food completely losing my appetite.

After not finishing my chicken salad i just decided to spend my remaining time watching Netflix until i drifted to sleep. Not bothered what is about to happened tomorrow or the next day.

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