Chapter 8

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"Cabin crew, please take your seats for landing."

My flight from Perth to the city of London took about almost half a day and i was already sick to my stomach when i felt the plane slowly touch the ground.

And i almost sprinted out of the plane back to Perth. The whole flight i was trying to think of some reaction Hero might behave if we ever do cross our paths.

Which is like 100% possible because we both have the same manager 7 days in a week! Damn it. I have really no escape from this huh?

"Guess this is really happening then." I whispered to myself and just accepted the death door ahead of me.

I waited for all the passengers to live the plane by lane and as soon as the cold breeze of London air hits me, Instantly my stomach turned right away!

My body, soul and mind is scared of this place. But I'm no letting my cowardliness took over me. I glanced at my lock screen one last time which is a picture of Jacob before walking in the inside of the airport.

From: Jamie

Can you wait for me in like ten minutes or so? Im experiencing the worst traffic on earth right now. Go and grab a breakfast first and ill take you to your hotel.

I sighed before looking back at the Food court of the airport. I can almost smell the scent of teriyaki wings so that is what i had my target on.

The best way to deal with your anxiety is to place food on your stomach right?

I ordered many wings as much as i wanted and also paired them with a black coffee. It is still early in the morning on London, So many only a few people were here.

It was then my attention was caught by a group of friends with thick british accent and suddenly my breath hitched.

How could i ever fucking forget that Hero had many connections in this place and not to mention some many of his fans!

The though of bumping into one of them made me so anxious that i felt sick on my stomach. I was sweating bullets so i took off my jacket placing them beside me.

Why the hell is Jamie taking so long? I can literally poop in my pants from the anxiety!

"Pretty. Pretty. Pretty!!" I saw a little girl walking towards me. Her eyes lighting up as she looks at me. Her index finger raised to point at me.

She looks like she shares the same age as Jacob. I smiled at her and she keep saying the word 'Pretty' that almost made me blush.

"Charlotte. Oh my goodness stop that!" A middle age woman with blonde hair came and pick the little girl up who is still squealing as she looks at me.

"She's pretty Nana!" the little girl said and i couldn't help but smile at her. She smiled back showing her deep dimples.

"Oh yes she is. Stop talking now." The woman scolded the little girl who is still repeating the words like a broken radio box.

This little girl is making my head bigger. I laughed at my own thought. Must have been the first time she saw an Australian Woman.

"I am so sorry. This little girl has worms in her system." The woman apologized. Her British accent very thick. I almost forgot how beautiful British accent sounds.

"Oh its okay. She is adorable, How old is she?" I said and the woman stopped when she finally looked at me and her jaw literally dropped on the floor.

I was surprised at her reaction especially when she looked at me closer. Do i know this woman?

Suddenly i felt myself sweat bullets once again. Is he one of Hero's endless relative or past Sugar mommy?! I better sprint the fuck out.

"Oh! I know you!" She confirmed my thoughts and i almost grab my things and run with my wings.

I watch how she placed down her grand daughter on the ground and the little girl runs to another woman whom i think is her mother.

"Hold on give me a minute!" She exclaimed her eyes turning into a thin line as she stared at my face and just gave her a nervous smile.

"You're Josephine Langford right? The actress from LA California!" She said and it surprised me.

I am not really that famous and my name has been gone for many years in the filming industry! Is this woman not aware of that?

"Wow you've mature so much. And even more beautiful than i remembered!" She said and i was even more confused.

Who is this woman? I can feel my head throbbing of trying to overthink the last time i saw her face but there was none.

"Oh pardon me. I don't think we haven't personally met yet, Im Sarah Doukas." She said when she saw me blowing the thoughts of my mind and it was my turn to drop my jaw.

Sarah Doukas? How can i not recognize her?! She is famously known for owning the Storm modeling agency!

"Oh my god. Hi its so nice to meet you!" I couldn't help myself and she smiled at me as she shakes my hand.

"You too my child, How old are you by the way? Do you have any husband?" She asked me and my words was stuck on the air.

This woman with a grandchild might be hitting on me or I am still dreaming in the plane.

"Oh Im sorry. Its just that I'm actually really interested of applying you for our agency." She said and not a single word came out of my mouth.

I am very astonished on what is happening right now! Not one hour yet in London and I'm already being offered on a management!

"What do you say about modeling for Storm, Miss Langford?" She says with a very kind smile and i couldn't help but let out a laugh of anticipation.

"I think its amazing, Mrs. Doukas. I am very honored!" I said excitedly

Modeling can be my first cue on returning back to acting. I can have it as a sideline while i do my movies. It is a very big help for my name to spread faster!

Until suddenly i remembered something.

"But i think i might have to discuss it with my PA first." I said and she immediately gives me a nod and she reaches for her bag.

"No worries Darling, Just contact me whenever you're ready. So we can get you started okay?" She said handing me a calling card and i immediately accepted it placing it securely on my pocket.

"Will do. Thank you so much Mrs. Doukas." I said and she smiled at me.

"Please Josephine. Just call me Sarah." She said one last time before giving me a hug and turning her back to leave with her family.

"Good bye pretty lady!" The little girl said and i watch how her hand waves.

"Good bye!" I replied to her and she lets out one final giggle before they walk away.

I smiled and just in time my phone beeped. It was from Jamie saying she was already here!

With my chin up i grabbed my things and bags. This is a good start and after what happened i just already know that things will be better.

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