Chapter 36

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It was a tiring day after work when me and Hero decided to catch about some things and we were now cuddling on his bed while watching Netflix and eating ice cream. It almost felt like a dream.

We just got home from collecting my stuffs and clothes in my hotel room. So i am officially now living with Hero in his penthouse through my whole stay. Not that i am complaining.

We were in the middle of watching Titanic on it was on the already on the car scene. My cheeks were already blushing ever since jack was painting rose.

"Put your hands on me Jack."

I turned my eyes to Hero and saw that he was looking at me. Was he not watching?

His eyes holding deep adoration as he stares into mine. As if like he still couldn't believe i was here with him.

"Hero.." I called out to him to break his trance. Not minding the kissing sounds coming from the tv.

"Yeah?" He asks and realization went back on his eyes. Breaking him from his deep thoughts.

I licked my lips as i crawled my way to him and shamelessly sat on his lap without saying anything. I saw how his eyes instantly widens from the stunt i just pulled.

"What are you-"

"Shh.." I shushed him and leaned my head closer to catch his lips. He immediately responded wrapping his arms around my waist.

We kissed together passionately as i curl my fingers into his hair. It feels so good to be this close to him. It was like everything in this world is a blur. And he was all that matters.

Slowly i left his lips to kiss him on the jaw and to his neck. I can feel him panting as he closed his eyes. His lips parted and shaking. I love how i can make him feel.

"Baby.." He whispered when my lips went down his torso. His bulge already showing and tightening in his grey sweatpants. I heard him hissed when i placed a kiss on it.

"You are tired Josephine. Stop it." He warns and tried to take me off of his thighs but i didn't budge. I wanted to pleasure him so bad!

It was then suddenly my phone rang that made me really stop from what i was trying to do.

I heard Hero sighing in relief. And i laughed. Im saving it for later.

"Who was it?" He asked as i reached for my phone. Painfully getting off from his thighs.

I opened my phone and saw Dean's name on it.  With a puzzled expression i pressed the accept button. And it showed Jacob's small face.

"Josie! Josie! Can you hear me now? I just stole the phone from daddy!" His little voice says from the speaker and i laughed. My eyebrows furrowed when i realized. He should not be out of bed.

I saw Hero glancing at the screen. His lips parted as he reaches for the remote to turn the volume down. And he also turned on the lights for Jacob to see me.

"Jacob what are you doing? You should not be out of bed! Where is you dad?" I asked him in a gentle tone.

Why is he still up and most of all why is he using Dean's phone? I can guarantee it is still dark and silent on Perth by now. And is around midnight!

"But i missed you Josie! When are you going home? You are taking too long! What are you doing in there?" Jacob exclaims and i couldn't help but laugh.

I saw him pouting as the camera kept moving. He looks like he was walking around his play room. I wanted so bad for him to call his dad to put him to bed so i did.

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