Chapter 38

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Warning: this chapter contains sensitive and very dark contents including the thoughts of suicide. Please read at your own risk.


It was after a while when i felt consciousness seeping through my body again and i opened my eyes to find myself in a white room.

The scent of methyl alcohol and rusty blood reeking through the air. And i knew exactly where i am.

Until then i remembered what happened. Before going to the cafe and after that made me lose my consciousness.

My sight was still blurry and my head was palpitating real bad as panic started pinching me to move.

"Josephine! Calm down." I heard Jamie's voice saying.

It was distant and far from me. I felt like i was on drugs. My heart was beating so fast until my sight started to clear.

I found Jamie sitting on the chair beside my bed. She was looking at me with worry on her eyes. And she looked like she was just crying.

Realization drawning into me and my eyes went to what i am wearing. I was in a hospital gown and there were medical tubes and needles pierced on my bare arm.

My lips parted when i felt myself slowly calming down. I lay back down on the pillow behind me and closed my eyes.

"How are you feeling? You scared me so much Jo! What exactly happened? You got unconscious on the ground in the middle of an alley that i needed to ask somebody for help!" Jamie exclaims and i let out a sigh again.

My head still hurting from her questions. And i can feel my throat starting to get dry. I don't know why but i feel like something was different. It was as if all the pain over my life time just finally exploded.

There was this numbness in my heart. And i almost felt empty and i couldn't feel anything emotionally anymore.

Until then i just realized something. We were about to go to Storm for a shoot! My breath hitched and i tried my best to stand up but Jamie immediately stops me.

"Josephine, Stop! Where are you going?" Jamie asked frantically as she pushes my shoulder down gently to lay me down.

I looked at her ridiculously and i blinked. My eyes wandering around the empty white room.

It was just me and Jamie inside and i almost felt like i just entered heaven because everything is so bright.

"To work, I still have my shoot Jamie. It is still early in the afternoon and i had to go!" I managed to find my voice and she looked at me in disbelief.

Although i feel incredibly weak right now. I didn't want to ruin the shoot. Maybe i can managed to do it. Just a little bit of water and i can go.

I wont let my past stopping me from what i have now! I wont let it ruin my future. Especially now i had everything under control and then this happens!

"No fucking way i am letting you do your shoots! What! Do you want your pictures be taken while you are sitting on a wheel chair?" Jamie lectured me while rolling her eyes.

This is getting out of hand. I am perfectly fine and healthy there is absolutely nothing wrong with me.

It was just one of those triggering moments. And i thought i was done with this!

"I am fine Jamie! It was just a really stressful moment." I reassured her and i expected her to rant me out again. But she looked at me with worried eyes.

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