Chapter 28

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We stopped to a private mountain peak. And my lips parted at the view in front of me. It was like i was looking at the whole universe itself. The stars are so beautiful.

Hero smirked when he saw my reaction and pressed button to open all doors and lights so we can all eat.

Both of us went to go to join Felix and Mercy on the back seat. Mercy was preparing the food. While Felix is on the compartment placing the bags the was carrying earlier for more space.

"Wew! Now this is what i am talking about!" Felix suddenly exclaimed and we all turned to him confused. He appeared and he was carrying the case of beer in his hand.

"Felix!" Hero called him in a dangerous tone and Felix just shrugged his shoulders at him.

"Wait. Those are Josephine's!" Mercy says looking at me with her big green eyes. The bottle is already in her hands.

"Nope. Its okay. I cant finish all those bottles by myself. Cant i?" I laughed and Felix clasp his hands together and kept saying thank you over an over.

"But no beer for you Mercy." Hero says as i opened my container of chicken soup and i sipped on the steaming broth.

"What?! That is so unfair! I am twenty three years old Hero. You are not stopping me from anything." Mercy says as she tried to opens her bottle of beer.

"I always wanted to try Australian beer. This is a treat! Bro where did you find these?" Felix says and my eyes widens when he shakes the bottle on his hands. And the cap popped out on the air with a loud noise!

Before the alcohol bubbles overflows he immediately placed the bottle on to his mouth. Hero shaking his head as he watched his friend.

We were in the middle of our dinner when suddenly Mercy took a picture of the food and the alcohols with a bright flash.

"Do you really have to take pictures of everything? Is it the first time you ever tried beer and chinese food?"Felix teased her and she just glared at him.

"This was for a moment. And why do you care?! Im not mentioning you in my story." Mercy spats at him and he just whistled a "whatever" into the air.

I watched how she placed stickers to edit the picture and smirked when i saw her still mentioning Felix's username. The picture shows only our hands and the food. It has a vintage touch to it. Mercy's Instagram was private so i didn't really had to worry about fans seeing and being crazy over them.

"How are the chicks back in Australia? Do you have any single friends that you can hit me up with?" Felix suddenly and Mercy rolled her eyes from what he said.

"Actually. All my friends were already committed so none." I replied that made Felix sighed and i laughed when pouted.

"Oh! That is actually a great idea to find a wife Felix! Aussies will love you because you already look like a kangaroo." Mercy shrugs the words off that made Felix turned red just ignoring her criticism.

"I would pounce on them." Felix mumbled under his breath that made us all laughed.

We all finished our foods quickly and cleaned all the mess and place them in the paper bag. We were now outside and my eyes were settled on the stars above me while sipping down the last few drops of alcohol before throwing the bottle in my hand to the trash.

Me, Hero and mercy were now laying down our backs to the hood of the expensive black Tesla. I don't think Hero liked the idea very much of us putting our weights into it. But he doesn't seem too bothered though.

"Damn. My feet are sure banging and throbbing from all those walking. You definitely owe me something Mercy." I heard Felix complained. As he sits down the open seat from inside the car.

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