Chapter 35

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"Wait Josephine. What the fuck are you doing here?!" Jamie immediately started shouting when she arrived and saw me peeking from the living room.

She marches in and my eyes widened. I almost wanted to run away from her fuming nose! She looked like an insane crazy lady that chases people at the streets!

"You little prankster! What is going on in here-?! Are you two fuck buddies or something?" Jamie exclaimed and spank my ass when she reaches.

I yelped and glare at Hero who was laughing at us. Is he seriously finding this amusing? He was the one who should be killed!

He immediately noticed my deadly stares and tried to stop his laughs but failed. His lips stretching into a grin instead. And i just wanted to slap the smile off of his handsome face.

"Why- you little pillock! Come here and i'll spank your horny asses!" Jamie finally lunges at Hero this time and jumped to grab his ear. He lets out a laugh as Jamie pinches his ear. Still with the running mouth.

"Jamie. Calm down please." I said to her when i saw she was already starting to pant. Her blood pressure might accelerate over the edge. I didn't want her to have a stroke!

I expected that she would be angry. As a manager. Of course she expected for the both of us to be professionals. And this is not how it should be.

And not to mention we hid everything behind her back! She has every right to be mad at us. But it will take me more apologizing and showing affection for her to finally accept what was happening.

"I cannot believe the both of you are doing something nasty. And i could had known that the both of you are kissing somewhere while working!" She says that made my cheeks blushed and she saw my reaction.

Her face frowning and glaring at me when she realizes what was going on.

"We are not fuck buddies Jamie. I am dating her." Hero responds to all the fuming and i watched how Jamie massages her temples. She then turned to look at me.

"Well Josephine? Care to explain to me why you didn't tell me anything? All this time that i was with you! In my car before work!" She asked me hurt lacing her voice.

And i looked at her guiltily. I felt Hero going to my side and placing his hands around him.

"Im sorry Jamie. Everything just happened so fast. And i was afraid of how you would react! I didn't want to lose my limbs." I apologized and i saw her calming a bit. Her skin looked glowing and beautiful in the morning.

And i frowned when i realize she was in her usual manager uniform. It was almost the weekend.

I don't think i have anything scheduled today. Is she going out? Or does Hero have work?

"Well you may be losing your limbs in another way! Plus you just had a one night stand with another man after your first shoot! And now with Hero? What is happening!" She suddenly says that made my heart dropped.

I forgot about my stupid excuse! Why didn't i expected that her runny mouth would bring that up? And now i have to explain that everything was a lie!

"What?" Hero asked behind me removing his arms to look at me with eyebrows furrowed.

I let out a sigh as i stared at him with apologetic eyes. He got it all wrong! I was already starting to panic. And i felt like a thief that just got caught from stealing.

"That was a lie! I made it up she wouldn't find out." I said that made Jamie started ranting again.

But my eyes were fixed at Hero. His reaction didn't even changed! I stared at his frowning face and started feeling fidgety. Torn between which reaction is scarier his or Jamie's.

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