Chapter 14

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"Well that was something else. Are you sure you two are okay?" Jamie said when we got inside her car.

I stopped reaching for my seatbelt. Do i just tell her the truth?

That me and Hero had sex the night at the wrap party of After Ever Happy? And one of the reason why i left.

I don't think telling her is a good idea. I can't even imagine her reaction would be! I can imagine her killer eyes staring at me.

"Yeah we are. Its just the same as you we just didn't talk for 5 years." I responded and it was only half the truth. Little did she know it was more than that.

"Really? Well it almost felt like a scene on a principal office where two students got in a fight." She laughed and i just laugh with her fakely.

"So how was the experience posing for the camera? Was it fun?" She started and i opened my camera to check my face.

My hair was messy but still wavy from the curls and my makeup is still very evident. I decided to take a picture. I looked at the camera with my serious eyes and let out a side smile.

"Wow thats a first Josephine!" Jamie says shocked from my sudden interest on my camera.

"It was amazing Jamie. I thought it would be stressful but is actually quite fun!" I meant every word i said and she just awed at me.

"I can see you glowing from here Josephine. I am sure modeling will do much more amazing things to you." She stated and i just smiled.

We were already on our way to my hotel  when we met another traffic on the road. I swear London streets are always busy. Especially in day time! Suddenly her phone rang.

I kept quiet as she answered her phone. I stared at the picture i just captured and then remembered what hero said to my shoots.

He said that one picture of me was 'good' i don't want to make a big deal out of it but that could still mean something.

Either way i know he still hated me with the way he behaved and turned me down to hang out. I wonder where he is doing for tonight?

Then i realized something. Hero might have a girlfriend already or even have kids that i don't know of! A lot can happen in 5 years.

After a while of hesitating i decided to post that picture that i took on the car. My feed is absolutely empty and not even one single picture of my face! I removed all of them when i left.

I was surprised on the amount of likes and comments i received and my notification keeps on ringing every second.

"Wait what just happened?" Jamie asked when she noticed my overwhelmed look and i showed her the post.

"No. You didn't, Where is Josephine Langford and what did you do to her?!" She exclaimed and i laughed despite the surprise there was a twinkle in her eyes that shows shes happy to what i did.

"Despite for always being late i can say you have grown a lot Josephine." She said out of nowhere and i raised an eyebrow at her

"Hey! I was late one time. Give me a chance." I defended jokingly and she just snorted

"Better keep your words true. Oh by the way my husband called he needs me tonight. I think i have to skip our night out. Maybe some other time?" She let out a dramatic sighed and i pouted.  I was really hoping to drink tonight. All those posing makes me want to have alcohol.

Wait i didn't know that her husband was here! She never told me. I thought being in London is just temporary thing?

"Aren't we leaving in California anytime soon Jamie? I mean how long are we going to stay in London." I asked now confused and i just realized we never really had a proper discussion on what is going to happened.

She just let out a sigh and i realized we were in a parking lot of a fast food place. Then i remembers i have not gotten a proper breakfast and only ate salad.

I can already feel my waist dropping on the size of 25! I didn't know being a model can be so starving!

My mouth instantly watered when our food arrived. We both had two set of burgers with the side of fries.

We actually had an argument at first and she wanted me to just order salad again but i promised her this one time.

I could have loved modeling if it isn't necessary to eat grass 3 times in a day. I would starved to death in the middle of my shoots!

"Look Jo. I want you to get some rest and relax because after tomorrow you are going to have your first official shoot." She started explaining and i nodded at her repeatedly

It took a lot of minutes of her saying many things about me drinking water and sleeping early that gave me an headache.

"Can you repeat? I accidentally closed my eyes." I tried joking to ease the professional mood a bit and she just frowned.

Obviously she was trying. But there is no really such thing to hustle. The only important rule is to not smoke weed so i wouldn't look like an addict!

"Its so hard explaining these things. Hero should be here, He should be the one explaining it to you!" She exclaimed and i sipped on my strawberry milkshake without saying anything.

"Don't stress yourself out. Its not good for the baby." I tried joking again and i can see the fire on her eyes so i stopped.

"By the way,  You need to check yourself out some cars. Its hard to always pick you and drop you every time like an uber." She said that made my eyebrows furrowed.

Going back to the previous question that she didn't answer then.

"Why do i need a car here in London? We are not staying here for too long right?!" I asked starting to panick.

I cant stay in here for too long! That would only mean that i will have longer days with Hero. And i couldn't take a single second with him without feeling hot and heavy!

And i think its safe to say that he thinks the same way about me. Maybe because of what i did the pushes him to believe i am indeed a terrible person.

She hissed between her teeth when she realized how bad my reaction was. And things are not going to end well with her plans.

"I don't see why not Jo. Just give it a month or so. So you can adjust with your shoots. Being in California will mess up with your schedules especially when you are just starting!" She said and i let out a deep sigh of defeat.

"What about Hero? Is he planning on going back to California. Doesn't he have projects?" I tried to sound like i didn't care about her answer and took one last bite from my meal.

If he is going back to California then maybe i can have a smoother time here in London. Which I'm positive he might do.

"Well yes he does. Maybe he doesn't want to leave because he turns them down." Jamie explained while finishing her fries.

That made me stopped from my movements. Turns them down? Why would Hero do that?

Im surprised Jamie haven't whipped his ass yet. He is turning down offers and meanwhile i couldn't get one!

I guess i have no choice then. I need to stick with him. It was as if like we are both two peas in a pod without choosing to.

"Okay. Then i do really need a car." I mumbled and tried to think of a much cheaper place to purchase.

Maybe i can but just a second hand one for now? I was just here for a week and i don't want to get brankcrupt already!

It was when i already reached my hotel room when i realized i don't know the map of this city.

And i have no idea where to shop for cars!

I sighed thinking It would be much easier with my life if someone is here to accompany me.

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