Chapter 33

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I let myself be carried away with him as he pulls me gently to go to his car. He immediately started the engine and i was still panting from the sensation i felt.

I cant believe that i am falling for his trap again. I wanted to stop myself from doing so but i am already so sick of pushing him away.

I couldn't hide the fact that i still loved him. After all those years that had passed. He still owns my heart, my soul and my body. Completely and utterly.

And i am not denying that anymore. I wanted him to be with me. I wanted him to stay. Nothing else. Just him.

"Shit!" Hero cursed loudly when he almost hits another speeding car. I was gasping and he was panting.

Both of us shaking from the anticipation. He was biting his lips as he focuses his eyes on the road. I can feel his restraint from the hot atmosphere.

"Hero.." I called out to him. My throat dry and i am thirsty. And i am for certain that it is not for water. It was only him that quenched it.

He lets out a sigh then i realized he had already parked his car and we were on a basement parking lot. Which i remembered was his condo.

Before i can even speak i gasped loudly when i felt his mouth on mine. He was pulling and biting my lips aggressively. As he hovers over me in the passenger seat.

"Ah! Ah!" I moaned loudly when i felt him cupped my breast that are showing on the low neckline of my fitted dress. He was massaging each one of them as his tongue dived to suck my neck. I can almost feel my back falling from our position!

"Fuck. I couldn't resist you. Why cant i resist you?" He cursed out loud as he immediately scooped me into his arm and i clung into him for dear life as he opened the door of his car to leave.

I heard him locking his car before going inside the elevator. There was nobody inside and i gasped loudly when as soon as the elevator door closes.

I was so amazed how he can do all of those while holding me for support with one arm and hand!

He pushed my back unto it and claiming my lips wildly. His hips bucking and grinding unto mine that made me produced different cries that escapes on my lips!

"Hero please." I sobbed when i felt myself getting too desperate of reaching something that my body wants! He was breathing heavily on my neck and then i felt the elevator opening.

He continued to walk over while still carrying me in his arms. A moan escaping my lips everytime his arousal under his pants would graze into my covered heat. I tightened my legs on his waist. And i wanted to reach his lips for a kiss.

I have no time to waste anymore. I had longed to be this close to him for so long. All the emotions and sorrows on my chest were kept on for too long and now i am bursting them open.

As i open my heart again to him. Im not letting him go. Never again. Not when i am holding unto him close. I felt like i fell harder that i couldn't get up. I fell too much that i had no other choice but to love him!

I heard the beeping of his door as it unlocks. The i felt him walked a few more miles that made my head throb from the dizziness. I couldn't even see which part of his penthouse we are walking to! I was too busy with his passionate kisses.

Until i felt the soft mattress hitting my body. I watch at Hero as he placed me down gently on the bed. And he removed his sweatshirt. Showing me his perfect body once again. That i yearned to see all day.

His lips parted as he smoothly pulled my panties down and tossed it around the room. I felt his fingers slowly dipping and teasing the insides. I bit my lips from the anticipation and pleasure claiming my whole body.

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