Chapter 43

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All the events and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Read at your own risk. Thank you.

My tears falling repeatedly on my cheeks. And i refused to believe. He is gone. He is really gone. The strongest man i know.

I was just talking to him a while ago. This morning he was still happy and chirping. And now he is gone. Gone forever.

I can almost feel a hole on my chest as i sobbed hard. Almost falling down my knees.

I don't care about anybody seeing me like this anymore. My only best friend and the man who stood up for me left me.

"Josephine! What happened? Have you seen the tabloids?! Its okay! We can still fix it! I-i-i just needed to find out who did it-" Jamie says when she found me and she was already panicking but i stared at her with red eyes.

"My dad is dead." I said and my voice broke that made her stopped. I closed my eyes tightly and all the memories came flooding before my eyes.

It was all so bright. Never mind all the nightmares and trauma i had. It was all the happy memories i had with him.

"He was the strongest person i know. H-how can h-he leave m-me that s-s-soon?" I said in a weak voice and Jamie still standing untouched like she was just trying to process what i just said.

It was all too fast. All of the things that happened. It was like somebody hitting fast forward and wanted to hurt me all together in one day.

If this is a stupid ass game that the world plays with me then i am over. I am so done with all of it.

I am so tired and now i lost my father and i felt like i just lost my whole family. There was this numbing pain in my chest that goes down to my stomach.

What am i going to do now? I felt so at lost as i stared at the white ceiling above me. He is on heaven now. I cannot believe this. I don't think i will ever will.

"Im so sorry..But what do you want to do Josephine?" Jamie finally says in a soft voice.

I was no longer crying. I felt like i ran out of tears already. I am surprised that my body haven't given up from all the things that are happening.

"I want to go home." I said in an emotionless voice.

The numb in my chest was back and just like that. I feel nothing anymore. All the emotions were digging in my heart like a scar.

"Home? Of course! I-ill just t-tell everyb-body and i can take you to the cond-"

"I want to go home to Perth, Jamie." I said to her and she stared at me for a while before nodding.

I didn't know what is about to happen still and i am scared shitless. This whole world shows no mercy on me and i almost felt like a ghost. A lost ghost that couldn't find its way to the light.

But one thing is for certain and that is i wanted to see him. I needed to see my father before he fully disappeared.

We reached Hero's condo fast. I didn't even said good bye to everyone. I just needed to leave and go fast. Jamie was panicking the whole time and her mouth wont stop asking me questions.

"B-but what exactly happened?! Did someone crashed into him?! This is absolutely crazy!" She exclaimed as i went to the closet to pack all my clothes to my bag.

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