Chapter 29

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My eyes were hurting as i stare into the cup of coffee in front of me and beside it was a green grass unappetizing salad.

And i was right. I had another sleepless night. It was as if his effects on me was so high and toxic that it damages my whole system. Even just the thought of him always keeps me awake.

It was in the morning and i was about to do my first Fashion Show later in the afternoon! I had mixed feelings but somehow there was a pulse in my stomach that i don't like.

I just really hope that Hero would stay out of my way or else i might do something stupid again! And not to mention that i had a little tripping accident in front of many models yesterday!

"Jesus. Josephine finish your breakfast already! We still have to prepare you before your rehearsal starts. And not to mention only  three fucking hours away!" Jamie says when she noticed i haven't touched my salad.

I frowned at her to say that i am not uninterested at the meal she just gave me. It was mistake that i didn't just prepared my own breakfast and ate before leaving my hotel room!

"This salad tastes like hairy feet! I am not risking my stomach Jamie. Couldn't i just have a blueberry cheesecake? Like normal people do!" I exclaimed and she glared at me. It was then i knew that i had no choice.

She let out a huge sigh as she calls for the waiter and i can feel my ears clapping when she ordered two blueberry cheesecake. Just like i told her.

"Fine. But eat your breakfast already! This is a one time thing I'm letting you okay? Plus i needed to make it up to you for always leaving." She giggled the last part and i sip on my coffee.

I am surprised that she was calm this morning. Even though her mouth can be uncanny sometimes. She still tries to be patient with me.

The blueberry cheesecake came in not just five minutes after! And my mouth was already watering as i dulge into the soft cake. The moist bread melting into my tongue.

"Wait a fucking second!" She suddenly exclaimed that made me stop. Guess i spoke too soon.

She looked at me with accusing eyes turning into slit. And my heart was already pounding so hard from the anticipation. What did she saw now?

"You went to the groceries with Hero last night?" Jamie asked in a weird tone as she gives me a side eye. Should i be nervous? Why is she giving me a funny look?

It was then i realized she must have saw the story that Hero posted! And i still couldn't get over that. My cheeks reddens as i looked at Jamie's stares.

"Y-yes. But you left me with him! I didn't have a choice! And i need groceries." I explained myself and her eyes turned even more suspicious. My heart dropped when i noticed a hidden smile on her lips.

"And not to mention you went star gazing along with his sister and Felix? That is interesting.." Jamie accuses me even more that even made my cheeks more red than it already is! Why do i feel embarrassed? It was the truth!

I watched how she laughed so hard when she saw my reaction. I touched my cheeks that are sizzling and i am pretty sure i looked like a tomato!

"Yes i did. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that!" I protected myself as she laughs.

"Im just kidding with you babe. Actually i am very glad that the both of you tried to regain your friendship again. Like the old times." Jamie says to me still shaking from laughing.

And i raised an eyebrow at her. She still got the wrong idea but i have no plans on correcting her. We kissed and already did way more than that, it was definitely not just regaining friendship!

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