Chapter 18

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The moment alone with Laura was so awkward. I had no idea what to say. Especially after what she said!

She just assured me and promised that the secret is safe with her. I was so confused but just quickly dissmed the conversation.

I don't want for everyone to think i was being unprofessional. Especially while on set. And talking with another model!

After my makeup and hair is done. Jamie finally showed up to check on me. My eyes tried to find Hero and i frowned when i saw him diving in the waves.

The crews and workers were distracted and they kept on telling Hero to stop but he just laughed as he swims.

I guess he never really did change that much. Still childish and always has his ways to have what he always want!

"You have to hurry and get dressed Josephine. Are you hungry yet?" I heard Jamie asked me and i looked up to her while she was holding a set of clothes.

My eyebrows furrowed as i examined it. And then my eyes went wide. On her hands was a set a very revealing two piece! It has the same design that compliments what Claude was wearing.

I let out a gulp and Jamie smirked when she saw my nervous reaction.

Now i understand why models eat grass for the rest of their weeks. They don't care about being famished! As long as their belly fats don't appear on cameras!

"Relax Josephine. I know you were used to swimming on your rash guard. But trying new things is always fun!" Jamie cooed at me to calm my nerves and i just nodded while she escorted me to a private tent to change.

The white tent has a lot of clothing inside! My eyes wide as i examined the clothes that are hanging from the rack. Do i have to wear all of that?!

It was a mistake sleeping up late and waking up early! I can already tell this day will beat me good.

I slowly took off my outfit when Jamie closed the tent. My cheeks blushing when i realized that the bra is indeed so revealing! The top skin of my breast showing up and it was a pushup so it looked even bigger!

My heart was pounding so fast as i settled the last and only clothing and my mouth parted when i saw myself on the mirror.

My curves was very evident as i turn. The mountains on my chest, Are definitely there! And the my butt were sticking out!

It was already embarrassing when it was only me who is seeing it. And now everyone in this beach is going to see me wearing this! Even hero!

"Whats taking you so long Josephine? Don't tell me it doesn't fits you. Those are the perfect size!" I heard Jamie complains as i took my precious time checking myself.

"W-wait a second. Its kind of too revealing." I said in a small voice and almost yelped when Jamie's head popped inside the tent!

I saw how her eyes widened as she examines me and gives me a very teasing smile.

"Wow! Didn't know you have it in you Josephine. You look like a freshly caught delicious tuna ready to be devoured!" She laughed and i turned myself on the mirror again so i can hide my apple colored cheeks.

It was a very long time since the last time i appreciated my body. Since i don't have any more projects. I lost focus on taking care of it.

But it shocked me that It can change and grow this maturely! I thought my body stopped developing when i was 22 but it didn't. And now i look like a very exotic stripper.

My hair was in mermaid waves. And my makeup was so vigilant and colorful that compliments the design of two piece. My creamy soft white skin were exposed perfectly.

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