Chapter 20

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I cant believe i just asked him for help! And now i am alone with him. How did the day turned from us arguing and the next thing i was borrowing his shirt?

His shirt. I stared at oversized black shirt that i was wearing. I was enveloped with his husk masculine scent that i knew so well.

It was then i realized he only just gave me his shirt. And this was the shirt he was wearing when he first arrived this morning!

Suddenly i heard the sound of something tapping in the wall. My eyebrows furrowed. I swear it was only me who is in the bathroom.

Feeling cold and creepy. I left the dimmed cubicle and i was right. There is nobody here? I swear i just heard someone walking, by that time i was already panting and i can feel something dark snd heavy in my chest. I bit my lips hard that was already shaking as i felt the presence of being watched.

I just shrug off the thought. Not wanting to scare myself. I am done and tired already of this day. I don't want to feel even more horrible!

I had no choice but to walk without wearing anything on the bottom but underwear. The shirt was oversized and it covers. But still.

I gasped loudly when someone suddenly pulled me as soon as i left the bathroom door! It was dark and i was about to scream when the figure talked.

"Josephine! Oh shit did i scared you?" It was the familiar voice of Claude. I was breathing heavily as i stare at his face.

This man already managed to scare me two times in one day! What does he want? My breathing already fast and i tried my best to calm myself.

"Yes of course! And why are you still here? And waiting outside the bathroom door?" I asked my eyebrows furrowed. Starting to feel uncomfortable.

I swear it was only me and Hero left on this beach. And everybody already left! So when was he all this time?

There were so many questions but thing i want for sure is to leave. Im starting to feel about creeped out.

"I couldn't take you off of my mind." He answered and that didn't calmed me down at all!

"What?" I whispered into the air. I felt like I'm already going to run of air. I feel like I'm seeing nothing but dark. Consuming me and my soul.

"Listen. Josephine I really like you. And i don't want to be in bad terms with you. And for you to look at me badly. I feel like i need to explain about what you felt earlier. You see i was not in a relationship for almost a year-"

He was saying so many things. But his voice is so far away. All i can feel my whole body shivering. Slowly i can almost feel the emotions and memories coming back.

"Josephine." I suddenly felt him touched my arm and felt my whole body panicked.

"No! Don't touch me please!" I almost screamed and furiously removed my arm from him. The memories washing through my mind like poison.

"Holy Shit. You're shaking! Are you o-" He was cut off and i felt another presence. But i don't see anything. It was all darkness. I was holding on the edge of my consciousness.

"No!" I screamed without having the control. It was as if all the emotions in my chest bursted! And i was out of control!

"Josephine. Hey. Look at me." Then i heard his voice and slowly the light came back.

My eyes went to the green glowing eyes. I was still shaking and before my knees touches  the ground he grabbed me and the next thing i know i was on his arms.

"What happened? What did he do to you?" He gently asked still trying to calm me down.

Tears were already falling hotly on my cheeks. It was not Claude's fault. It was mine.

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