Chapter 7

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I never slept the whole night so i ended up getting ready earlier than i thought i would.

It was already 3 am when i finished taking a shower and as i changed into my attire. I glanced at Monty who is watching now me with his big blue buttoned eyes, probably wondering how i am up and dressed so early.

And now i suddenly feel sad that i had to say goodbye to the little feline, with his smallest ideas of where i am actually heading.

"Guess its good bye for now buddy, Will you miss me?" I talked to the him bending my knees to try snd reach his level and he just responded a stretch from his back and a yawn.

"Glad that you get to keep the bed for yourself huh?" I chuckled at my cat, I don't think he minds that i am leaving though, He's a strong one. I stood up and went into the mirror to check on my morning look.

I brushed my long dark blonde hair that reaches up to my waist, Im wearing a purple bomber jacket because it was extra cold today and paired them with black jeans and some boots.

There was mix feelings and it gives me the sweats. Im excited but at the same time scared.

I don't even want to know what will happened. I just need to promise myself that this isn't all about him. This is for my dreams. I need to snap out of it.

Suddenly my phone lights up showing a notification from one of my friends. I placed my brush back into my bags.

I opened the notification and saw that Ginger tagged me on a post. It was the photo of us in the kitchen. Ginger was holding the phone, I was smiling and Jacob was on my lap. Dean is smiling while Alex is sticking his tongue out.

There were a hundred of pictures still and i couldn't check all of them so i just turned my phone off.

"Monty,  take care of dad for me okay?" I bid one last goodbye to my sleepy cat as i went to grab on my knob, smiling when i heard his soft meow.

I let out one final sigh and whispered "okay" to convince myself and grabbing my bag before going downstairs to meet my dad who is already ready.

"Morning Josie. Ready for your flight?" My dad asks as he settles a plate of bacon and eggs.

I couldn't even speak well because I'm pretty sure I'm already having a panic attack.

"No. To be honest, I think I'm going to have a seizure." I said quietly and he just smirked at me drinking from his coffee.

"Ah. I remember those times when i was still having my flights to perform regular check ups. Especially in rural communities. It was the best!" He reminisce and i smiled.

It almost felt like a long time ago. Me and Katherine waiting on the airport benches cold and wearing our boots so that we can meet Dad as soon as his flight lands.

"Yeah. And on the next day, Mom has to make you porridges to stop you from vomiting." I joked trying to remember the last time i had jet lag. And not to mention i have the worst of them!

And not flying for almost half of decade seems like a very bad news for me. My body will be wacked before i land my feet on London.

"Yeah. Elizabeth is the best. Did you say your good byes to her?" He said while i answered some of my friends' texts they were all the same until i checked Deans'.

I smiled as i looked at the picture he just sent me. Its Jacob sleeping soundly eyes closed and his eyelashes very prominent. He was clinging into his mom.

From: Daddy Dean

Jacob and I will miss you Aunt Josie. Have a safe flight! Prayers for no jet lags :)

From: Mia


Before feeling the tears in my eyes i closed my phone. Even though I'm excited this also been very hard for me.

And i don't even know when I'm going back to Perth. I might get busy with all the projects and stuff that i had to live in my old apartment in LA!

"Already did. She didn't really seem to mind me leaving, She really didn't say anything that much." I scoffed and finished my breakfast in one last bite.

I could have had some noodles or just have take outs to take time but it is still early and Stephen Langford's cooking is always the best comfort food.

"Well i bet she still wishes you the best of luck Josie. How was the James guy by the way? Is he nice?" He asks that made me stop.

As always. Only the mention of the man's name made me shake. Fear consuming me again as i stare at my father's curious eyes.

Should i tell him the truth? Although it wouldn't be such a big deal though. Maybe he is just a really creepy person and not just to me.

So i decided not to. Instead i let out a different answer. There is no reason to make the problem bigger.

"Yeah he is okay. Typical step father attitude, Nothing different." I tried to shrug off so he wont notice me shaking and thankfully he took my excuse.

The drive on the way to the aiport only took for about 30 mins and as soon as we arrived it was if something was pulling me back.

But i didn't. Im not letting anything ruin this decision of mine anymore. And i am more than sure of leaving. It would be a shame to back out now.

"I'll miss you so much Josie. Please take care of yourself out there for me. Okay?" Stephen says as he hugged me tight for the last time

"I will Dad. And do the same for me. Don't forget to check your inboxes like you always do, Promise?" I said shakily trying to stop my tears from falling.

"Okay Josie I promise, I love you." He said one last time before i turned my back to go not giving another single glance back at my only home.

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