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mew is currently in his home, on his couch, thinking of possible ways for the younger to see the real him. although he did show him a sick game, his other games are much sicker. the way he treated his boy toys were hell and he didn't want to do that to gulf. 

to him, gulf is someone special. 

"fuck, what is he doing to me?" mew muttered as he downed his cup of water. wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he picked up his phone to call gulf, only for the younger to reject the incoming call. 

mew was flustered and slightly angry. gulf had never done such a thing before. "what the fuck?" 

mew then threw the cup against the wall and it shattered every where. he then stood up and walked towards the shards and stepped on it, jumped and dragged his feet all over the broken glass. his white marble floor is now covered in blood, mew is officially disappointed in the boy for rejecting him.

"nothing hurts more than the rejection given by the one you love the most." he said. 

when this happened back then, mew didn't hesitate to lock them in his basement to torture them, but now, mew is torturing himself. "am i that unimportant to him?"

not long after, a beep came from his phone and mew rushed to the couch as if his life depends on it. "maybe it's gulf!" he exclaimed happily, picking up his phone and what he saw put him in a bad mood. 

it was a message from gulf, "boo, sorry for not answering earlier but boat have gotten food poisoning from the cafeteria food and we're currently sending him to a hospital nearby. i love you."

calm down, mew, he thought. this is nothing. have trust in him.

with a sunken heart, he replied back. 

"oh, okay then. i hope your friend gets better soon. do you have the time to come over tonight?"

within a few seconds, another beep came, indicating that gulf had replied. 

"i'm sorry, boo. boat's parents are out of town and he have no other family so i'm staying over to keep him company."

company? what about my company?

mew could only breathe in deep and steady breaths, trying to keep his anger in him. he didn't want to lash out on gulf because he was only being the kind person that he is, to take care of this boat guy.

but he's mine. he must only be kind to me.

"can i call you?"

"not this moment, p'mew."

and that was his last straw of patience. he is disappointed and he felt unwanted, it's a familiar feeling when his mom had abandoned him with an abusive dad. but his dad is now out of the picture, mew had already chopped him up into pieces, his dad was of no use anyways. 

"gulf, don't contact me for the next three days. i want some time for myself, to think this through." with that, he hits send but not long after, he got back a reply.

"p'mew, are you okay? are you mad at me? don't worry, he's just a friend."

and mew just left him on seen.

the boy who can't leave | mewgulfWhere stories live. Discover now