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"baby.." mew lightly caressed gulf's cheeks, in attempt to wake him up. "wakey wakey, my love." he purred into the younger's ear, causing him to stir in his sleep. gulf slowly opened his eyes and adjusted to the bright ceiling lights, "where am i, p'mew?" 

"you're in your room, i carried you out." mew chuckled, running a finger down gulf's neckline. "you've been in there for three days, i missed your presence.." 

gulf giggled as mew's hot breath tickled his neck. "i missed you too." gulf then looked around the room, "where are the others?" he probed. "hmm...they're gone now. i took great care of them, don't you worry." mew smiled and gulf returned the same gesture. 

"i'm glad you took care of them, p'mew. they must be thankful that you've finally let them out, to the families." gulf pecked the older's cheek, "you're a kind person and i love you." 

"you...love me?" mew asked softly, his tears slowly brimmed around his eyes as his thumbs rubbed against gulf's hands. 

"i do, p'mew." the boy leaned in a left a short but sweet kiss on the older's forehead. "even if ever one day you lose trust in me, suspect my love for you, i'll still tell you the same thing." 

"you know," mew started to confess. "i really tried my best to scare you so that you'll hate me, say mean things to me..so that it'll be easier for me.." gulf raised his eyebrow in confusion, "for you to do what?"

"to kill you."

gulf then visibly paled at what left his lover's mouth. he started to shake uncontrollably until warm arms engulfed him tight. 

"don't you worry," he caressed gulf's hair softly, "i'll never hurt you, not when i love you so much." he said as he hummed a sickeningly sweet tune. "don't be afraid, baby."

as much as gulf wanted to push him away just to run for his life, he couldn't. 

he cannot leave.

he wanted to, but he just couldn't.

maybe, he loved mew just as much.

maybe, he trusted mew's words.

maybe, he depended on him for some time now and he just can never abandon him and let him be.

or just maybe, he wanted to be a part of satan's life.

the boy who can't leave | mewgulfWhere stories live. Discover now