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now both lovers are standing across from each other, staring into their beloved's eyes.

"strip." mew demanded and gulf's eyes nearly popped out of his socket. "s-strip? isn't that t-too early for us to progress this m-much?"

mew ignored what he said as he took off his shirt, throwing it to the other side of the room and signalled gulf to do the same. the younger boy then hesitantly did as mew told and dropped his shirt onto the floor.

mew then continued to remove his jeans and threw it away, then giving the same signal to gulf which he complied. 

"we left one more article of clothing, before we get to see each other bare and vulnerable. before we get to know each other better." mew whispered as he walked towards gulf, placing a hand against his soft cheek, caressing it ever so gently. gulf gulped when mew's thumb ran over his bottom lip. 

"are you ready?" mew asked in a low voice and gulf nodded. "for this last step, let's help each other to step out into the light and truth of our nakedness, our true selves." 

mew then kneeled in front of gulf as his hands made their way to the band of gulf's boxers. gulf was nervous, no doubt but he was also excited as this is a big step for the both of them, for them to embrace their bare bodies, for them to take their love into another level.

mew slowly pulled down the younger's boxers and gulf blushed when mew was staring at his little gulf, eyes never leaving. when mew was done taking in the sight of his naked boyfriend, he stood up proudly and hugged the younger. 

"you're just as beautiful as you were with clothes on, baby." 

gulf could only stay silent as his entire body turns red from the embarrassment and from the words mew told him. am i really that beautiful?

"your turn." mew whispered as he guided gulf's hands to the band of his boxers. gulf gulped as he kneeled down, hands trembling when he slowly pulled down the only clothing that's covering mew. gulf could not look at him, he was shy so he can only stare at the floor as if it was interesting. 

"won't you at least give me a glimpse?" mew pouted and so, gulf slowly had his eyes onto mew's fantastic body. his boo is so muscular and he's downright gorgeous. "how do i look, gulf?"

"handsome, p'mew." gulf smiled and so did mew. "stay in this position, baby." mew said and gulf complied. mew went out of his room just to come back with his hands behind his back. "baby, close you eyes and don't open until i say so."

gulf then shut his eyes tight, his hands balled up into a fist onto his thighs as he stayed in that position. what he didn't know was that his p'mew is holding a gun against his forehead.

"p, something is touching me, it's cold." 

mew smirked, "it's okay, baby. everything will be okay." he assured him. "now, open your eyes."

gulf slowly did as told and his eyes widened in fear, the gun against him, the look on mew's face was terrifying. 

"w-what is t-this, p'mew?" gulf stuttered as tears filled up his pretty eyes. "don't k-kill me, p-please." he pleaded. 

"silly gulf," mew chuckled darkly. "i will never hurt you. this is the game."

"game of w-what?" 

"game of trust, baby." he grinned and kneeled down in front of him. "in this gun, there are six shots in which, one of the shots contain a bullet." mew explained and a drop of sweat rolled down gulf's face. "are you scared of me, gulf? do you love my naked self?" mew smirked when he saw the look on his face.

"here's how the game works," mew stood up, hovering the younger. "we'll take turns in shooting ourselves, let's see who will get the bullet through their brain, okay?" 

"p'mew.." gulf whimpered, he was scared but he loved mew so much more. "won't you play with me, gulf? i thought you said you loved me?"

"i do! i'll...play the game with you." and that was what mew wants to hear. 

"get ready, you'll be taking the first shot." 

gulf had his eyes shut tight, afraid that this first shot might be the cause of his death but what can he do when mew had asked him to play? 

a loud bang can be heard in the house and gulf got startled, falling backwards. 

"baby, you're safe," mew smiled as gulf opened his eyes. i'm alive! "for now." mew continued and he almost wanted to laugh at gulf's face. "my turn." he said flatly as he turned the gun to him, placing it against his right temple.

"no, p'mew!" the younger cried. 

mew just gave him a bored look before pulling the trigger four times and loud banging sounds echoed. gulf couldn't open his eyes to look at mew. is he dead?

mew laughed hysterically as he watched gulf cry and gulf could only stare at mew with a blurry vision. mew looked crazy, mew was no longer the mew gulf once knew. this is a different side of mew gulf had finally seen. 

mew didn't stop laughing and gulf didn't stop crying. what did he got himself into?

soon after, mew's laughter died down and is now replaced by another look of crazy. "looks like we have one more shot left and you know what that means.." 

shit! five shots were gone and neither of them had gotten the bullet which means...

"no! p'mew!" gulf pleaded for his life. "i love you so much and you know that, you can't do this to me, p'mew!" he sobbed miserably.

mew did this game to his dead boys before but mew have never shown sympathy towards them, simply because he didn't love them and he only wants to see them shaking in fear. but in this game, it's just level one. but in this level one game, his victims got the bullet shot, no, not in the head but on the leg, so that they would be crippled and it's easier for mew to lock them in his basement.

mew's eyes soften at the boy who's crying, he then made his way next to the boy and hugged him tightly, putting the gun on his study table. "shh..don't worry. like i've said, i'll never hurt you, ever." 

"p'mew!" gulf returned the hug then stared into mew's eyes. the once crazy look he gave got replaced with soft, loving eyes. gulf knew, mew really loved him, "don't do that again."

mew nodded and gave a kiss on his forehead, "it's just a game but i won't do that to you again. i'm sorry." 

there was a comfortable silence before mew broke it.

"do you still love me? have i scared you much?"

"no," he shook his head. "i still love you, just as much but please, never do that to me again."

"no more games for baby gulf i guess." mew laughed cutely and gulf could only giggled, eyes hurting from all of that crying.

no more games for him but i'm crazy for you, gulf kanawut.

the boy who can't leave | mewgulfWhere stories live. Discover now