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mew already have everything planned out. he had been hitting on gulf for approximately two weeks now and based on gulf's reactions to it, mew has confirmed that the boy will say yes. mew smirked as he played with the flower bouquet in his hands, red roses, symbolises passion and true love. 

mew had found out that a hopeless romantic like gulf, he would melt into a puddle under his feet. 

mew is currently standing outside the college gate as he awaits for his baby boy, gulf will surely love this , he thought.

gulf, who had just walked out of college, had his eyes wide open, heart thumping so loudly against his chest as he slowly made his way towards the handsome boy, who was staring at him lovingly.

"gulf, i know we might not have known each other for long but," mew got on one knee, stretching the bouquet towards the younger. "i really like you and i do not wish to share you with anyone else. therefore, will you be my boyfriend?"

the younger boy could not believe this. he could never! the p'mew he once secretly like and adore, is asking him to be his boyfriend, officially!

mew was still waiting for his answer as he stared at him.


"it's okay if you reject me now," mew smiled. "i'll wait for you, please just tell me i have 50% chance of making you mine, gulf." mew said with a hint of desperation in his voice. he really wants the cute boy in front of him, he was actually getting impatient.

"p'mew," gulf caressed mew's left cheek with a beautiful smile imprinted on his face. "you don't have to wait and you don't have to worry about sharing me with other people. i'm 100% yours."

mew couldn't believe his ears. hallelujah.

"does that mean that you're mine?" gulf nodded.

"does that mean that you love me too?" gulf chuckled and nodded.

"does that mean i can do whatever i want to you?" 

gulf's eyebrows furrowed together after that sentence left mew's mouth.

"what do you mean by 'doing things to me'?" 

"don't worry, baby. what i meant is, showering you with my love and kisses. nothing bad." mew lied smoothly, causing gulf to be unaware but the endearment mew used made gulf blush.

"oh, hehe. then yes, you can do whatever you want to me."

"gulf, you'll never leave me, right? even when it hurts, because you love me, right?"

"p'mew, i'll never leave you. i promise, even when our relationship goes rocky and it hurts me to the core, because i really love you." gulf vowed. "what about you, p'mew? will you do the same for me?"

mew smirked internally at the innocent boy, who didn't get the hint.

"baby, i never leave, it's you that i worry."

"why, p?"

"i'm not gonna lie, gulf, but my past relationships have never gone well. they all left me alone when it hurts too much, where as i, i have never abandoned them. all i did was love them and i showed them but i guess my love was too much."

"awh, p! if you're gonna love me that much, i'll never leave, ever!" 

"i love you, baby gulf."

"i love you too, p'mew."

oh, baby, you have no idea what's coming.

the boy who can't leave | mewgulfWhere stories live. Discover now