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gulf had went back to his condo early in the morning, leaving mew a note that he had already went back to pack up his important things, so that he can start moving into his boyfriend's house. 

upon entering his room, his phone made a beeping sound, indicating a message. it was mild's.

"hey, gulf! i just want to tell you that boat is fine now and that he can be discharged soon. do you want to come so we can send him back home?" 

gulf scoffed at the message. why would i even help him back into his home?

"you jerk! left me on seen :( " 

gulf swallowed a lump of anger down his throat before messaging back to his old friend. 

"i'm quitting school."

"what? we still have three years left!"

"my boyfriend told me to."

"and you listened?"


"gulf, you know how important education is to us! and also, you can't just ditch us!"

gulf laughed sarcastically by himself when he read the message. is he fucking serious?

"i can ditch you if i want, and that's what i want, you fake friends."

"bro..what? fake? who told you?"

"you can't lie to me, mild. my boyfriend had told me last night about how he overheard you both laughing and making fun of me, behind my back, saying i'm gay. which, i don't deny."

mild was flabbergasted at this point. how could gulf believe shits like this? especially when they've been together for such a long time to the point where he knew all of his secrets. 

"gulf, listen to me. your boyfriend, whoever it is, is lying to you."

gulf rolled his eyes. "why would he?"

"i don't know! whatever sick reason he have, he's making us break up!"

"p'mew's not sick!"

"oh, so your boyfriend is p'mew?"

"you should know, don't act dumb! he had also heard you saying that i should give him up to you!"

mild and boat are currently pulling their hair. "what did p'mew say to him?" mild asked boat, who obviously shrugged his shoulders. "more importantly, why would p'mew lie?" boat asked back, making a big point because whatever is happening to gulf, is not right!

"why? now that i know everything, you can't even reply me back?" gulf sent.

"no, gulf. i'm not replying back because boat and i are upset by you. how can you trust someone whom you have not known for more than two months?" 

"bitch what? just admit you did wrong to me!"

mild huffed, he felt irritated at this point, he wanted to strangle gulf and beat the shit out of mew for lying and breaking up their friendship of more that ten years. 

"i don't want to talk to you if you're gonna be like that." 

"fine, i don't want to talk to you anyways! you're the one who messaged me first!" gulf sent his last message before blocking mild's and boat's numbers. he now have no other contacts other than mew's. isn't this what mew wants? to be the only person in his life? cause, yes. that's exactly it and mew got it.

gulf huffed angrily as he packed his clothes and other things like books and his oral care into a compact luggage. he then carried another bag with him that's filled with his sweets and snacks he had just recently bought because he was craving for it.

gulf then stood outside with the sun glowing upon his beautifully tanned skin, the wind gently blew, leaves crunching about as they danced with the wind. gulf smiled in happiness. he was finally free from stress, free from backstabbers he had not know until now. 

mew's car suddenly pulled up next to gulf, with the passenger's window rolled down, revealing a handsome face, smiling brightly as his eyes crinkled. "i'm here to pick up my boyfriend, have you seen him, sir? he's about this tall, have a cute and sweet face and most importantly, he used to live here." mew joked and gulf giggled at the childishness.

"i'm sorry sir, i have not seen him." gulf joked back, "but i can be your boyfriend, you know?" he said seductively and mew got out of his car, kissing his boyfriend with so much passion. "you know, you're good at this." he whispered.

"good at what?"

"at making me crazy." mew smirked and went away from the boy, picking up his luggage to keep in the boot. "what's this?" mew asked as he lifted up the bag filled with treats and gulf snatched it away, hugging it protectively. "it's how i get my blood sugar to spike." he laughed. 

"you have to throw this away." 


"it's unhealthy, gulf. and you have gained weight, do you know?" 

gulf was starting to get self-conscious in front of mew right after he said that. "am i?"

mew nodded, "yes, you are. come, let's throw this bag of junk away." mew said and took away the bag, throwing them into the garbage nearby. "instead, you can have a salad later, how does that sound?"

"uhm.." gulf hesitated. "i don't really like to eat vegetables."

mew's eyes darkened when gulf was trying all possible ways to not do what he had said.

"you're getting fat, gulf. you need to go on a diet, you hear me?"

"can't i lose the weight slowly?" he asked in a timid voice.

"no, gulf. i'll help you come up with a meal plan, you'll lost the weight faster, okay?"

with no other choice, gulf reluctantly said an 'okay' before they entered the car back to mew's home. 

in the car, there is a heavy atmosphere even a sharp knife could cut right through it. mew then used his free hand to hold gulf's. "you know i'm doing this for you, right?" mew kissed gulf's knuckles. "i only want the best for you."

"i know you do." gulf sighed. "do you not like me, now that i'm fat?"

"no, not at all. i still love you very much."

"then why are you so hyped up about me losing weight?" gulf questioned as his eyes flooded with tears. mew had just parked the car in his drive way and he turned to his side to face the crying boy.

"like i've said, i only want what's best for you and losing the weight you've gained is going to do you good, trust me." mew looked into gulf's eyes, "have i lied to you?" yes i have.


"then that's your answer, baby."

"okay, i'll lose the weight for you, p'mew." gulf said, feeling determined. 

"not for me, for you." mew said as he ruffled the younger's hair. "take your luggage and go into my room to unpack, okay?"

"where will you be going?"

"i'll be going to school to submit your drop-out document. i've already had it prepared this morning, and then i'll be heading to the supermarket to get you some vegetables and maybe some fruits as well." 

"....okay then, be safe." gulf kissed mew's cheek and went to get his luggage before entering the house.

my baby listens to me, i'm so proud.

the boy who can't leave | mewgulfWhere stories live. Discover now