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it's around one in the morning and gulf had made his way to mew's house. gulf assumed that mew is already sleeping so he just punched in mew's code to get into the house. he on the lights of the living room to be in horror when he saw dried blood all over the floor, along with shards of glass. 

what made his heart drop the most is when he saw bloodied footprints all over the house, up to the stairs and into mew's room, there laid the taller male with his feet bandaged up tightly. when gulf went closer to the boy, he saw dried up tears staining his handsome face.

why was he crying? gulf thought as his heart broke when whimpering sounds came out of mew.

"does no one loves me?" he whispered in his sleep and gulf teared up. 

how can he think that no one loves him? 

"boo, boo, wake up." gulf gently shook mew out of his heart-breaking slumber. mew rubbed his eyes lightly, "gulf? what are you doing here?"

"i came to check up on you, i was worried." 

"worried?" mew scoffed. "why would you be?"

"i'm your boyfriend, p. it's normal for me to be worried about you, and i do, all the time." gulf kissed mew's cheeks ever so softly before looking into his eyes. "you may think that nobody love you, but i do." gulf kissed his lips and gave him a tight hug. "i love you, never doubt me."

mew wanted to cry his heart out but he didn't want gulf to see him like this. "gulf i want to ask you something."


"how are your parents?"

gulf hesitated and mew can see it. "don't lie to me and tell me the truth."

"i don't have parents." he sighed. "they got murdered in our home when i was ten," gulf sniffed. "mom told me to save myself before the murderer could get to me, so i jumped out of my window and ended up twisting my ankle." mew comforted gulf, giving him a signal to continue.

"i had no relatives here in bangkok, i had no other place to go so i had to call for mild's help and his parents took me in." 


"my best friend, the friend who took care of me when we got into a small argument."

"i see." mew clenched his jaw. "so are you living alone now or is mild living with you?"

"i live alone now, though i used to live with mild and his parents. they took me in."

mew had decided, he doesn't want gulf to be around people that's not him. call him insecure but he just doesn't want people to associate with his baby. "move in with me."


"move into my place, it's spacious and i'll protect you." 


"no buts, gulf. i can only be assured of your safety if you move in, please?" mew persuaded gulf as if his life depends on it. he really wants to be in gulf's life, even for a split second. he wants to be the first person who greets him good morning and the last person to wish him good night. he wants to know all of gulf's situations in the past , the present and the future. "baby, please? i'm so lonely in this big house, i have no one."

"what about your parents, p?"

"they got divorced, my mom's living in the states and my dad got into a car accident a few years ago, he's dead." i lied, i'm sorry.

gulf's hands shook as he held mew's cheeks, thumb sliding across the smooth skin. 

"i'm sorry, p. i didn't mean to open an old wound." mew can only nod his head with a sigh. "you're no longer alone, p. i'm here for you, always. i'll move in."

"are you serious?" mew couldn't contain his excitement. "you won't regret it!" or will you?

"also, gulf." 


"can i ask you to drop out of school?"

"what? why?"

"it's useless for you anyways. i'll be the one to support your whole life from now on." 

"p'mew, you know i can't do that. education is important to me, as well as my peers and my friends."

friends, friends, friends. what about me?

"i know i'm asking for too much, gulf. but look, since we're going to be together forever anyways, and you're obviously gonna be my wife, and as a duty of your husband, i have to pamper you. am i wrong?"

gulf was flustered at the boldness of this man. never have gulf thought that his first relationship would actually be his last, ending with a beautiful word, 'marriage'. he felt as if he had hit a jackpot, his fantasy of having a well-built man, both romantic and caring is actually coming true.


"why? don't you wanna be?" mew teased. "i see the redness in your face, baby." he chuckled, patting his beloved's head. "please listen to me, drop out of school and let me pamper you in your new home."

"o-okay, if you say so." he said with a shy smile on his face. "wait. what about my friends?" he asked once he had snapped out of it. 

"what about them?"

"will i still be able to see them?"

"gulf.." mew started. "those aren't really your friends, you know?"

"what do you mean they're not?" 

"i overheard them talking in school about how pathetic you are, how you have always relied on them despite you having a boyfriend." mew pretended to be upset for gulf and the younger boy was in shock from the information he just heard. "they were laughing behind your back because you're gay."

gulf was breathing in deeply at this point, how could they?

"why are they doing this to me? behind my back?" he cried into mew's chest and the older boy smirked at his plan for ruining their friendship. "hush now, my dear." he caressed the broken boy's back up and down soothingly. 

"and to think i helped boat earlier, to the point where i ignored you and you hurt yourself because of me." he dropped his head in a slump, "i'm a terrible person towards you, p."

"no, you're not. you're just a kind person who wishes to help a sick friend. but gulf, i'm sorry for breaking your heart but you need to know that they're not good people. i'm warning you now to leave them, before they can hurt you again." he kissed the boy's head. "as your boyfriend, i want you to stop seeing them. i don't like to watch you get hurt while i'm not around."

"what else, p?"


"what else did they say behind my back?"

"mild said he had taken care of you almost your whole life and that you should give me to him in return." he lied through his teeth like nothing. "but don't worry, i only have eyes for you."

"thank you for opening my eyes, p. now i know i cannot trust anyone other than you."

of course, gulf. 

you can only look at me and no one else.

"my pleasure."

the boy who can't leave | mewgulfWhere stories live. Discover now