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gulf woke up with a throbbing headache as he whimpered slightly, body feeling uncomfortable from being chained up. 

"are you okay?" a boy asked gulf as he jolted up in shock, not knowing what's going on. 

"i'm tul, mew hit you in the head yesterday." tul whispered, "and these are all his victims, including myself." he gestured his hands to the remaining four guys, named sing, din, low and frong. 

"why are you guys here?" 

frong frowned and sighed, "we got tricked into thinking mew loved us, it turns out we're just things for him to play with, to scare, to torture." 

gulf heart ached at the thought of these guys getting tortured by his love. 

"nonsense!" he exclaimed, "p'mew is gentle and kind. he would never do such a thing!"

"are you sure about that?" sing muttered, "then why did he hit you and chained you in here with us? he never loved you!"

gulf's words stuck in his throat, "m-maybe it's because i s-snooped into his b-business." 

clapping sounds can be heard after gulf spoke out, there was mew, walking down the stairs slowly, clapping with a twisted smile plastered upon his face. "well said, my love."

the five boys then cowered in fear, shaking as seconds passed by.

mew kneeled down in front of gulf, his hand went to caress the boy's hair ever so gently, as if he was some kind of fragile flower vase. "this is the difference between him and you," mew said. "he knows what he did wrong, you guys don't." 

gulf then felt a spark of bliss when mew pecked his forehead in front of all of them, he felt special, he felt different.

"baby, does it hurt?" mew touched the back of gulf's head and the boy shook with a smile, "it doesn't, p'mew. if i skipped three meals yesterday does that mean i'm lighter today?" he asked with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, wanting to lose that 5kg he had promised mew.

"yes, baby. but you'd have to skip many more meals to be light, not just one day."

"anything for you, i'll stop drinking water if that's what you want." 

"that's exactly what i want." 

and the five boys' eyes contained pure fear while gulf's were completely hypnotised.

the boy who can't leave | mewgulfWhere stories live. Discover now