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mew had planned the perfect first date for him and his bii. he had made reservations in a very famous restaurant and had requested the servers to decorate their dinner room in a romantic atmosphere where he knew gulf would absolutely love. 

mew is currently on his way to pick up gulf as faint music is playing in his car. he couldn't wait to take him out on that dinner date, mew doesn't exactly know why as well. why was he feeling this way? 

normally mew would just go straight into it without dragging his feet but when it comes to gulf, he seem to want everything to fall in perfect order. he wants gulf to think of him as his very own perfect boyfriend.

with mew's thoughts clashing against one another, he have finally arrived at gulf's condo, where gulf have been waiting for him. mew smiled charmingly as he stepped out of his car to approach the boy, guiding him into the passenger's seat.

"how are you?" mew held gulf's hand, gently caressing the soft and lightly tanned skin. "i've missed you so much."

gulf giggled shyly as he looked out the window, finding the trees interesting for him as of this moment. "baby, why aren't you answering me?"

"i'm shy, p." the younger boy whispered as he slowly turns his head towards his lover, making a sudden eye contact. "i missed you too. but we have only been apart for three days, p."

"can't i miss you? i miss you every second, don't you miss me?" mew muttered darkly with a glint of disappointment in his eyes. gulf gulped as he wondered, did i do something wrong?

"are you mad at me?"

mew scoffed at him. "why would i be mad? i'm just upset that you don't feel the same way."

"but, i do! i think about you every day without fail."

"you don't have to lie, gulf." mew sighed in his seat. "let's just go, i don't want us to argue before our date." mew said in a flat voice as he drove off, leaving gulf feeling guilty by himself as he let his head hung low, playing with his fingers, unhealthy thoughts had consumed him.

maybe i shouldn't have said that..

p'mew only told me that he misses me..

why did i have to ruin our pre-date meeting..


"we're here." mew uttered softly as he turned his head to look at gulf. his gaze look so sweet right now, gulf thought as he blushed. "i'm sorry for being childish, i was just feeling unwanted by you."

gulf gasped as he held mew's hands tightly. "no, p! you're always wanted by me, i mean it. i'm sorry if i had made you feel that way." gulf then kissed mew's knuckles and the older boy was clearly surprised by his actions. nobody has ever done that to me.

mew had a soft smile on his face as he placed a chaste peck on gulf's forehead. "you've surprised me, bii." 

gulf gave him an embarrassed look before asking mew, "what's bii?" 

"an endearment i made for you, do you like it?" 

gulf nodded his head cutely with glossy eyes, "i love it, boo."

and there it is again, that feeling of warmth spreading across mew's chest and his ears felt hot. what is this boy doing to him? and, why is he tearing up?

"bii, are you okay?" mew had noticed those tears that's threatening to fall. "i'm just..i just feel so lucky to have you, p'mew. this is my first relationship and i feel like i have won a lottery."


"you're my first boyfriend and you're so nice to me, i feel so much love coming from you to the point where i feel that i may not be good enough for you." gulf cried as mew hugged him tight, whispering softly into his ear.

"you're perfect for me, gulf. you're the best thing god has given to me." 

the boy who can't leave | mewgulfWhere stories live. Discover now