gulf's diary entry : 9

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dear diary,

so today i had broken up with my friends, i moved into my boyfriend's place, i was told to lose weight and i had diarrhoea for almost three hours!

i don't know why my body is acting like that but i'm just so glad that p'mew was there to take care of me. 

although my clothes are in p'mew's closet, he had given me a room so i can have my own private space until i get comfortable living with another person. he is just so thoughtful! 

diary, i know i have said it many times but i'm just so lucky to have p'mew by my side right now. not only had he showed me my friends were all fake bitches, he had also taken great care of my health. losing the weight is good for me, i'm certain of it because that's what he told me.

i love you.

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