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gulf waved goodbye before entering the house with a heavy heart. he didn't feel like losing the weight he had gained but he have to do it for p'mew otherwise p'mew might dump him for another skinnier and prettier looking guy and he didn't want that.

gulf took his luggage and went upstairs to unpack his things as he went to the closet, he saw an empty space which mew had already arranged upon his arrival. he smiled and hung up his clothes before taking out his books to arrange it nicely on the study table. he then took his oral care into the bathroom, to his surprise, mew had already done that for him. a new toothbrush, cup, dental floss and some mint flavoured mouthwash. 

"he's really good to me, losing a bit of weight is nothing." gulf muttered as he went downstairs to get a glass of water to quench his thirst. "what is that smell?" gulf said to himself as he drank his water while he wandered about the house and his eyes unexpectedly laid on a locked door. he then went closer to it and the smell had gotten stronger.

"what are you doing there, gulf?" mew said, scaring gulf as he jumped. 

"p, i smell something coming from here." gulf said as he went over to mew for a comforting hug. "it's just bleach, i'm washing down my basement." mew caressed gulf's hair. "but it smells a little bit like metallic."

"don't worry, it's just rust, probably." it's blood, baby. 

"baby, i bought fresh vegetables and fruits for you." mew excitedly lifted up the bag with a smile. "i'll be preparing your meals 24/7 from now on until you lose your weight."

"what about school?"

"huh? i thought you've agreed to drop out?" mew frowned. 

"i mean, you! this is your last year!" 

"oh.." mew sheepishly rubbed his nape with an awkward grin. "about that...i've already graduated last year." 

"what? so you're four years older than me?"


gulf was at loss for words. "then, why were you lurking around in school if you had already graduated?" 

i was looking for boy toys until i met you.

"professor raikantopini ( 😂) asked me to come back for another year to relieve her class until she comes back from her maternity leave." mew lied smoothly. it makes sense to gulf since mew is a smart student with straight As and if one of mew's old teachers asked him to do relieve classes then it must be true!

"oh, i see. is that how you met me and fell in love?" gulf teased and mew just lets him poke his waist with a cute grin on his face. "yes, that's how i managed to find you." mew smirked. 

"go and watch tv or something, i'll make you a meal since you haven't had breakfast, am i right?"

"yeah." he shyly replied. 

"okay go outside, i'll be in the kitchen."


and when gulf went out to the living room to watch some cartoons, mew starts to prepare different types of vegetables on a platter. he sliced some cucumbers and washed a handful of spinach and romaine lettuce. he then boiled some water to cook the carrots. mew then start plating it beautifully on the platter, he then went to get a glass of orange juice. 

mew peeped out to see gulf singing happily to spongebob then he smirked as he sneakily took out some powdered laxatives and poured it into the orange juice. he took the plate and the glass out to the living room table and gulf thanked him before digging into the tasteless garden.

"i really don't like this.." he pouted at mew, poking the spinach with a fork. "that's why i got you orange juice instead." mew smiled as he picked up the glass to hand it over to his still pouting lover. "drink up and finish your meal."

gulf did as told and he felt full. not even an hour later, gulf ran to the toilet and mew laughed under his breath. 

gulf's stomach hurt so much but yet he couldn't scream because he didn't want mew to worry. "gulf?" mew knocked on the door, "are you alright?" gulf could only shut his eyes tight, "i-i'm fin-e, p'mew." he breathed out weakly and mew smirked behind that door.

"baby, i'm sorry if i'm pushing you too hard. clearly your body isn't used to fresh veggies, now i feel bad." mew faked an upset voice and gulf felt bad that mew was feeling this way. "no, p. it's not y-your fault." 

"okay then, take your time, baby."

oh, you don't know it yet but baby, i've already got your heart.

the boy who can't leave | mewgulfWhere stories live. Discover now