9 ♢ Midas Touch

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Slightly NSFW content ahead.
Vote comment and show some loveeee because ya girl needs some tlc right now

Vote comment and show some loveeee because ya girl needs some tlc right now

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  As soon as their lips met, Oliver felt the highest he had ever felt. His mind was abuzz, unable to conjugate coherent thoughts.

They crashed into the wall as they kissed, urgent yet still too slow. Oliver's fingers found the bottom of Charlie's t-shirt and pulled it over his head as Charlie knotted his fingers in Oliver's hair.

  Suddenly, Charlie stopped and took a step back. He had a nervous smile on his face. "Um..."

  Oliver frowned. "Why... why did you stop?"

  He suddenly felt very self conscious. Was he a bad kisser? Or did the idea of kissing him revolt Charlie? Did he misread the signs? Oh god... he ruined everything didn't he?

  "We're very drunk, Ol. I don't want you to do anything you'll regret..."

  "I won't-"

  "You don't know that...."

  He went to grab his t-shirt off the floor but Oliver intervened, reaching to stop him. He took a step closer to him and placed his hands around the back of his neck.

  "I want this..." He slowly leaned down to kiss him but Charlie still seemed hesitant.


  Oliver kissed him again before trailing kisses down from his lips to his cheek to his ear to his jaw. "I want this," He reaffirmed.

Charlie slowly caved in and pulled Oliver's face towards his, planting a chaste kiss on his lips. He pulled Oliver's t-shirt off of him before continuing to kiss him. And suddenly Charlie's lips were all over him; his neck, his cheek, his ear, his chest, his...

"Charlie," Oliver groaned, leaning back on the console table and clutching its edge tightly.

  Charlie was everything Oliver aspired to be. He was carefree. He was too 'chill' for labels so Oliver knew everything they did was just fun. He acted in the moment and was content with life. He was iconic.

  Oliver pulled him up and continued to kiss him (although Charlie seemed more keen on more explicit activities). He was overcome by a rush of admiration for the man in front of him and wanted to kiss him forever. Or at least until the end of the night. And then they were on the bed. And Oliver felt overwhelmed and euphoric.

  Nothing had ever felt so right.

♢ ♢ ♢

Oliver stared at the ceiling, trying to catch his breath and make sense of his thoughts.

  "I can't believe that happened..." Charlie sighed beside him.

  Oliver turned to look at him before they both unexpectedly bursted into laughter. Charlie threw his t-shirt at him which he used to wipe his face and torso.

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