8 ♢ What Happens in Vegas

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PLEASE read chapter 7 if you haven't already!

  "Look at the view," Oliver sighed, in a daze from the sparkling landscape of Sin City

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"Look at the view," Oliver sighed, in a daze from the sparkling landscape of Sin City. It was beautiful. Almost fit-inducing.

Charlie approached him, clasping his fanny back under his arm. He placed his fingers on the tall window of the penthouse. "I memorised this view years ago. I practically lived here."

"Yeah, well this is new to me. I'm in love." He smiled at Charlie. "Let's go down to the casino."

Charlie nodded, slotting his black card into his wallet. "Let's go."

One elevator ride later, they found themselves in the belly of the beast. They were in the middle of the booming casino. Waiters whizzed past them with trays of colourful drinks as the crowd tended to their fiscal desires. Elites in suits and gowns juxtaposed with tourists in cargo shorts and Hawaiian shirts. Red and gold carpets and rainbowed chips. It was glorious.

"Where shall we go first?"

Charlie eyed his watch. "Um, okay, I just have to sell for a bit but give me like an hour and we can do whatever you want."

"Wait. What? Dude, you're abandoning me?"

  "No! Well yes. But no! I have to sell these pills," Charlie said, patting his bag. "I'll be quick, I promise. In the meantime, go explore or something. Drink. Gamble. Flirt. Do whatever you want."

  "Flirt?! I genuinely think I've forgotten how to..."

  Charlie smiled before take a step closer to him. The tip of his sneakers knocked against the side of Oliver's. He could feel his breath.

"It's easy. You just get real close to the girl..." He brought his lips to his ear. "Really close...."

Oliver couldn't hear the casino anymore. The only sound he could make out was the pounding of his heart.

"And then..." Charlie suddenly took a step back, much to Oliver's disappointment. "You try not to say anything dumb or creepy. Simple!"

  Oliver knew he was blushing from the smirk on Charlie's face.

"I, uhhh-" He cleared his suddenly very dry throat. "I-I'll try that."  

  Charlie winked at him. "I won't be long!"

   Oliver remained frozen as Charlie strolled away. He was very good at flirting, as proven by the way Oliver felt kind of attracted to him at that moment. What a Casanova. Oliver ran his hands through his hair before making his way to the bar. He really needed a drink.

  However, three scotches later he still felt flustered. What was wrong with him? He couldn't stop thinking about Charlie.

  "Hey..." A voice said from behind him.

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