14 ♢ Imagine

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  The week carried on agonisingly slow

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The week carried on agonisingly slow. Thankfully Nora had backed off and would turn a blind eye when Oliver went for his morning fixes. That didn't mean they didn't have their daily arguments over nothing. They usually ended with Nora storming out of the room and Oliver apologising like he always did. She always twisted his words, making him out to be the bad guy but Oliver was far from it! However, when things were good Oliver would feel reaffirmed about his decision choosing her. She made him so happy.

But all the happiness in the world couldn't relieve his aching heart. Charlie kept popping into his hear like a pop-up ad. He found it difficult to indulge in Nora's return without feeling guilty. His heartbroken voice chorused in his mind like a broken record, lamenting 'choose me, choose me'. He tried to call him again but there was no dial tone, implying his number had been blocked. All he could do was try to forget and force himself to ignore the pleading voice in his mind begging him to go see Charlie. He was finally reunited with the love of his life. He wouldn't let anything ruin that for him.

Saturday was his day off from work and he was looking forward to relaxing in bed with Nora all day. However, Nora had something else in plan.

  "Get dressed. We're going to Maddie's wedding."


Oliver was just coming out of the bathroom when Nora dropped that bombshell. He had seen her on the phone and she told him she had been talking to Madeline, which was another shock. Did Madeline actually reinvite her to the wedding?

"She sounded upset on the phone. I think there's something wrong. I have to be there for her."

Oliver had almost completely forgotten about her wedding. He wouldn't have remembered if it weren't for Nora reminding him earlier in the morning. If he was being honest, he was actually still rather salty over being blacklisted at her wedding rehearsal. There was no way in hell he was going to go to her wedding.

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"I'm really uncomfortable being here, Nor. You know how I feel about Madeline."

Oliver huffed his breath and crossed his arms like a child having a tantrum. He really didn't want to be there. Nora didn't give him any choice. She just said that if he didn't want to go, she would go alone. Obviously he wasn't going to let her go by herself, especially with Madeline Lockhart there. He saw what Nora would get like after an argument with Madeline. He had to be there if everything went to shit like it usually did.

  Nora rolled her eyes. "Honey, I love you but I'm really getting sick of your whining. Get over it."

  She scurried away before he could protest even more leaving him to check in and bring all their luggage to their room. He groaned as he dragged his feet to the reception and droned his details to the chirpy receptionist.

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