12 ♢ coddled

401 32 79

Zero comments on the last chapter so maybe some more love this time round? And apologies for the late update my beauties.

Zero comments on the last chapter so maybe some more love this time round? And apologies for the late update my beauties

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  Even though he had been exhausted, Oliver found that he just couldn't go to sleep.
Charlie was too distracting for him, even when he was deep asleep. How could Oliver snooze when Charlie's arm was right there, wrapped snugly around him. His hand was curled around Oliver's, revealing black nail polish on each finger. He could feel his breath on the back of his neck and with every snore a tiny warm whoosh of carbon dioxide came from his mouth. It made his heart rush.

He slowly turned around and faced him, poking his cheek gently just to make sure he was real. Charlie was a light sleeper so his eyes immediately shot open.

  "What time is it?" He groaned.

Oliver peeked at the alarm clock over Charlie's shoulder. "Just after midnight..."

They laid in silence for a few minutes, Oliver's eyes fixed on Charlie's.

"I have work tomorrow so I should probably go home..."

"Oh. Can't you go tomorrow morning?" Charlie sighed, inching closer to Oliver so that their noses were almost touching.

"I... I don't know. I have an early morning meeting with some shareholders... But I can come over after. We can...chill."

  Charlie smirked and placed his fingers on the nape of Oliver's neck. Smiling, he brushed his soft lips against his in a kiss that could only be described as delicate as the flap of butterfly wings.

  "I'll drive you. Come on."

Oliver tried to lift his head but he still felt worn down. His body suddenly weighed a ton.  He forced himself to sit up and painstakingly slipped on his shoes.

  "Help me stand up."

  Charlie nodded and pulled him up. "Lean on my shoulder."

  Oliver groaned as his weight became too much for him. "This is painful."

  "If you're asking me to carry you I won't," Charlie joked.

  "I wasn't."

  "Well if you were, I wouldn't."

  "But I wasn't."


♢ ♢ ♢

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