18 ♢ numb to thought

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  Guys I am so sorry for the late update! I have been so busy trying to get my other three books ready for the wattys!!! Wish me luck!!

  Guys I am so sorry for the late update! I have been so busy trying to get my other three books ready for the wattys!!! Wish me luck!!

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  Oliver woke up with the taste of vomit in his mouth and a blanket over his body. His neck ached from sleeping on the floor and he couldn't recall how he ended up on the floor.

  As he sat up, his father entered the room. Ed Scott had rolled his sleeves up and undone the top buttons of his shirt. His hands dripped with soapy water and Oliver assumed he had been washing dishes as he he had come out of the kitchen.

  "You're up," He stated obviously.

  "W-what happened?"

  His father pointed at the remainders of a puddle of vomit right beside where he was sleeping.

  "You threw up then passed out."


  Ed opened his mouth like he was going to say something but he sighed instead and shook his head. He grabbed his jacket.

  "Do you...do you need me to stay with you?"

  He wanted nothing less in the world.

  "Uh... no. No, I'm... I'm good."

Oliver was taken aback by his father's sudden caring façade. Ed was usually stiff, rigid and cold. In fact, he would have expected a roaring match between them instead of whatever was going on at that moment.

  Ed nodded awkwardly and eyed the elevator. "Okay. I'll call you tomorrow. We can make a plan of action together."

  Oliver shrugged and wiped his mouth from dried up puke. "Okay."

  Knowing his father, Oliver was certain he wasn't going to call him. He just didn't have the energy to call him out.

  Following Ed's departure, Oliver made his way to the kitchen in search for more alcohol but all he found were empty bottles. He hovered over the sink and took a deep whiff of the smell of alcohol coming from the drain. His father must have spilled it all. He retreated disappointedly back to the sofa where he flopped back down.

Oliver groaned dramatically. Why was Ed suddenly acting like he cared about his son's wellbeing? Still, at least he had come to check on him. His mother hadn't even called.

  He heard the term 'alcoholic' being thrown around a few times the previous days. By his father, by Charlie, by Spencer, by Nora.... He acknowledged that he had somewhat of a problem attraction to alcohol but he could stop if he wanted to. In fact, he mentally decided he would stop drinking at that moment. He would abstain from drinking for the week. Because he could. Oliver Scott was more powerful than any silly 'addiction'.

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