15 ♢ Benjamin and Elaine

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  Everything after Oliver's impromptu proposal was a blur up until they got to the cheap, kitschy wedding chapel

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  Everything after Oliver's impromptu proposal was a blur up until they got to the cheap, kitschy wedding chapel. Oliver suddenly had a tattoo on his ring finger, a thick black line that he couldn't remember getting. He thought the coke wasn't working for him but it must have just had a delayed reaction as everything came into effect simultaneously. He was surprised he could still stand.

  Nora clung onto his arm as they staggered to the reception of the shitty chapel.

"Hello and welcome to The Chapel of Love," An old lady croaked at them.

She slipped Oliver and Nora two forms to fill out. Oliver attempted to fill his out but his vision was too blurred. The words seemed wriggle uncontrollably around the page. Noticing his struggle, Nora took it from him and filled it in quickly for him.

"Can I interest you in the deluxe platinum package for twenty dollars extra? It comes with a veil and bouquet," The receptionist droned as they handed back the forms.

"Yeah, why not!" Oliver laughed. His voice felt foreign, like it wasn't coming from his mouth. Was he dissociating already? That didn't usually kick in until his fourth bump.

The lady stopped typing and looked up at him. "Really?" She asked dryly.

He smiled and nodded, slipping her all the money in his left pocket. "Yes."

Her personality did a one-eighty as her eyes registered the cash in front of her. "Excellent! If you just take a number. The wait time is currently half an hour-" She leaned in closer to him. "-but you can go in once the current couple is out."

Nora clapped her hands together and squealed as they were handed a a cheap, crinkled plastic veil and a bunch of glittery plastic flowers.

  "I wish you two eternal happiness."

  Eternal happiness. Oliver's heart jumped at the word eternal. Forever. They would be married forever. That meant him and Charlie would never get back together. He would remain in the past, a distant memory. Was he ready to let him go like that?

They returned to the sticky waiting area where they found Sienna on the phone. She winked at Oliver.

"It's Charlie K. He says congratulations."

  Oliver froze. Why did she call him? He didn't want him to find out! Of course he would have eventually found out but he wasn't ready to let him know just yet. Sienna was fun to hang around with but Oliver forgot how mischievous and sly she could be. She just called him to cause trouble because Sienna thrived on trouble. She loved watching relationships crumble around her.

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