Chapter One

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Hey All!
- - - - - - - - WARNING- - - - - - - -
A bit of notice before you start reading,
If you are easily triggered, take care. This story does deal with abuse and cutting.
The lads are not in One Direction and there are no boyxboy pairings.
This is my first story.. I hope you enjoy!!

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"So, how was your day?" Harry asked the boys, as they ate dinner.

Liam nodded, "Yeah, it was pretty good, the ER was quieter than usual,  which was amazing." Liam worked as a doctor in London Hospital. Normally, his days were quite busy, and so any quiet days were greatly appreciated.

Zayn smiled, grabbed for a piece of garlic bread and nudged Liam's shoulder."Liam had to patch up an axe wound," he announced, "it was quite impressive." Zayn worked as a nurse in the same hospital.

Liam's  flushed and ducked his head as the boys chuckled. It was no surprise to them that he had - impressively, apparently- managed to patch up an axe wound, he was the best at what he did.

"It's the same old same old at the school." Louis announced, Niall nodding his head in agreement. Louis was a Maths teacher at London High while Niall was the music teacher. They basically saw the same thing every day, and so nothing was new.

Harry nodded, tapping his fingers against the table. "Good, good."

Zayn sighed, "Okay, tell us, why happened at your work?"

Harry's face split into his signature grin, dimples popping out in his cheeks. "Weeell..." he dragged it out. "I have a favour to ask  you boys."

Immediately, they all paused and looked at him. "what sort of favour?" Niall asked.

Harry cleared his throat and reached down to the bag that he had brought back from work. "Well, we had two new cases come in today." He placed two thin files in front of him. "Two brothers who need an emergency, temporary placement as of tomorrow."

"And what, you want them to come here?" Liam asked, leaning forward.

Harry nodded and rushed on, "It'll only be for a week or two, and the boys are really sweet."

Louis looked up from the files he'd pinched from Harry. "You've met them?"

Harry nodded, "Yeah, they came into the office, their current Foster-parents were dropping them off."

"Where are they staying now then?" Niall asked, leaning  over Louis' shoulder to read the files.

"They're staying overnight at one of the children homes." Harry said.

"No one else can take them?" Zayn asked.

Harry tilted his head. "Finding emergency placement isn't easy Z," he said, "and not many places want to take in a fifteen year old kid."

Once the files had circulated the table and everyone had read them, Harry asked what they thought.

"Well, if it's only for one or two weeks then I think it'll be okay," Liam said. "What do you boys think?" The others chorused their agreement.

"We can put them in the den," Niall suggested, "it's only got beanbags in it."

"I'll call Lou now, thanks lads." Harry said, getting up from the table and leaving the room. He came back in twenty minutes later. "Okay, Lou said that the boys would be staying for two weeks and that I'll bring them here at noon tomorrow."

The others nodded. "We still have Andy and Drew's bed frames somewhere around," Niall said, "we can set them up tonight."

Andy and Drew were friends of the boys who had, once upon a time, been living with the boys before they had moved to the States.

It didn't take them long to finish din et and set up the beds. They headed off the bed early, nervous and excited about meeting the boys.

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And that's a wrap! Thanks for reading!

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