Rakastan Sinua: Destiny

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Here is Chapter 2 :D

They laughed and joked around soon enough Maria was quite relaxed as she, Ville, and Mige played at the pool table. She giggled when Mige would make Ville miss a shot on purpose. He had the cutest pouts "Laughing at my expense are you darling?" Ville said pouting. 

Maria blushed as Mige laughed in the background. "You are just...sorry, Mr. Valo, it's just you are with all respect so cute," she said hoping he would not think she was being creepy. He blushed giggling "Well...thank you, I am glad my frustration allows for you to be entertained," he said trying to keep his cool as Maria took her chance at a shot.

thank you, I am glad my frustration allows for you to be entertained," he said trying to keep his cool as Maria took her chance at a shot

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"God I'm horrible at this" as she focused only to have Ville distract her by standing close to her. But it was when he whispered, "That focused look is rather sexy" that she lost her shot.

 Ville roared in laughter at his revenge as she blushed and pouted as Mige tried to hold back a laugh himself "You owe me a shot sir" Maria said blushing rather frustrated that he had so much control over her emotions at the moment "I will remember to repay that one day" he whispered.

Maria froze on the spot, was he doing this to be nice or? All she knew is that his words were like fire, and they ignited her blood, "You...that's not fair" she said her face as red as wine "I can't help myself you are such a cute and fierce little lady", Ville said making her blush more. 

"And you are..." she said gulping breathless "Taking too much pleasure in this, Mr. Valo" she added almost choking on hot air as he looked deeply into her eyes. "Please call me Ville" and her soul stayed in his forest eye, time flew as they chatted and played when Maria noticed the time,

"It is getting quite late," Maria said "I am really so grateful, for everything, but as I am new to this city, I am dead tired with jet lag and I have to unpack," she said stifling back a yawn over her droopy eyes. 

Noticing how Ville was staring at her she added "But perhaps if we run into each other, and you don't mind up. We can hang out another day?", she added blushing, hoping she did not sound creepy. "I would love that," Ville said blushing a bit, shocking her, "We are here every Friday darling" he added.

Maria blushed not believing how lucky she was to have Ville want to hang out with her again. He was from what she knew about him such a reserved man. "That...I would love that" Maria said shaking his hand and Mige's as she waved parting ways, blessed at this chance meeting.

Maria took her time getting home, and all the while her smile was plastered on her face. She texted her friend Angel. Maria could not wait to tell her whom she had met, although she knew she could not reveal the place, wanting to respect his privacy. At the moment though despite her bliss she needed sleep and so crashing into her new bed she dreamt of his ocean scent and forest eyes, sparkling under the lights of the bar.

Maria awoke to the scent of new and blushed, recalling last night. It was all still so surreal, and she could only hope next Friday they could meet again. She took her time texting Angel, who gushed over the text hoping they could talk more in-depth when the day to go to Lapland arrived. 

As this was a soul journey as a social worker Maria had decided that she would see her clients online and live in Helsinki for a while. The city was the perfect place to expand her knowledge with her clients, and explore her other interests, and well.... she blushed perhaps meet him again. 

She sat in session for some hours before venturing out again going to the local tourist center asking for points of interest and the best bookstores, hangouts, and cafés in town.

At the end of the day, Maria had plenty of new books and perused them while Angel texted her about what she had been up to in Helsinki as she sat in a local coffee bar "You won't believe it when I tell you" Angel said. 

"Can't wait to meet you" they texted for a while and then she went back to her reading

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"Can't wait to meet you" they texted for a while and then she went back to her reading. Reading was another one of her passions, it allowed her to escape the pain of everyday living and allow her mind to dance amongst the stars of other heavens. Maria listened to instrumental while she delighted in classical Celtic music, one of her favorites.

Maria was so engrossed in her reading that she did not notice Ville walking into the café and sitting across the table from her and smiling as he spotted her. 

Thank you if you are here :D 

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