Rakastan Sinua: You

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Next Chapter :D thanks to @MaryAngelValo for all the support and for lending me Angel her OC

Five months had passed since the terrible incident Kim, Damon, and Julianna had faced the charges they were due. Although Maria had sworn to Ville that all was forgiven he had been extra loving to her, and on his days off they would spend all their time together even if it was doing something as normal as gardening or cleaning their space. 

"I can never forgive myself for having treated you that way" Ville said one day when they were cuddling "I can never apologize enough" he added holding her close. "As I told you yes, it hurt, especially after you knew that you were my first and only, I thought you had noticed that first night we lay together that you were the first and only one to touch me," Maria said, "But" she added "Like I said my love is stronger than my pain" she added kissing him deeply. 

Ville smiled "Thank you for that love, you really are amazing you know that," he said holding her close and kissing her cheek. "You better believe that..." she said grinning and blushing "Of course why wouldn't I?" he said a cheeky grin on his face "I..I have to tell you something but I don't know if you would agree to do it, it took me a long time, and," she said blushing even deeper "What is it darling?" Ville said more curious. 

"Well...I have been visiting an adoption center, and well....yes it was really hard to get papers because I do not know the ways of Helsinki much but...if you want him....we can pick him up tomorrow I bought all the items he will need and I did use the same name" she said showing Ville a picture that made tears well up from his eyes.

It was a puppy that looked exactly like Sammi the dog he had once owned, " I hope you like him I mean I know you are allergic to animals, but I wanted to get you something special..." Maria said rambling before he crashed his lips into hers and took her breath away as he cried into her shoulder "Baby...that is the most beautiful thing, present, I..." he said holding her with such force it melted her right into his arms "I..." he said "Thank you so much" he added "Anything for you love" she said as he sobbed into her chest his eyes shining like forest emeralds.

"Marry me?" Ville said making her heart soar, as he held her close,  she wasn't sure if he meant it or was just so happy he had blurted it out "Oh Ville you are so sweet you do not have to say that" she said to which he looked hurt "I mean it...every word" he added and he took her heart in his hands and her soul would always be his to keep with the way he looked at her. "Oh Ville, Yes! I Yes!" she said blushing making Ville pick her up and twirl her around "I guess we should let Angel and Alexi know they are going to have to go to our wedding next," he said and Maria cried tears of joy as she imagined it, to be his forever was a dream made flesh...

Meanwhile, miles away Angel was being led blindfolded to what Alexi promised her would be a surprise he hoped she liked, she was really big due to her pregnancy, and he had to help her down, it turned out to their elation they were having triplets it looked like two boys and a girl, they had shared the news with Ville and Maria who were very happy for them. 

"I am getting frustrated I am gonna rip this blindfold off" Angel warned making Alexi giggle as he helped her stand and said "No need for that we are here, baby on the count of three open your beautiful eyes," he said and Angel did her jaw dropped.

It was the fairytale gothic cabin of her dreams, "It's ours, I built it for us, to have a home away from the city, and it has a lake to teach the kids to fish and maybe camp near the forest nearby" he added hoping to hear a positive reaction, and of course it was Angel so, all she said was, "I...you and me in bed right now" she said making him grin as he carried his beloved wife inside to what was the new beginning of their lovely new life.

" ABOUT TIME!" Angel exclaimed into the phone as she lay cuddled beneath Alexi's arms "What is it, baby?" Alexi asked as she continued talking excitedly on the phone "We will be there hopefully it can be done after the birth of our babes, so they can be there with us too, I am so happy for the both of you, took you long enough I was about to tie him to your bed for you!" she added as Angel heard giggles coming through the phone as she hung up saying goodbye. "Now can I ask what is happening?" he asked a bit jealous that she knew something he did not "We have a wedding to prepare for don't know when, but Ville and Maria," she said her eyes shining as Alexi gaped and smiled in joy at the happy news.

Angel smirked mischievously "I can't wait to torture Maria with all the lacy, kinky, lingerie I am getting her for her honeymoon" she added imagining Maria's face as red as a tomato making Alexi burst into laughter, imagining how horrified Ville would be, "Always thinking of the most important stuff huh baby?" he asked pulling her to him as she pounced on him, careful to not hurt herself "right now I am thinking we should continue where we left off" and Alexi took pleasure in doing just that.

So there it is I might another chapter :D tell me if I should

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