Rakastan Sinua: To Make You Writhe

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Next chapter warning of mature erm..content...

Maria awoke some hours later, it was still pitch black and her heart was racing, she had had a mini-night terror and realized she was still in her dress Ville, must have laid her down before retiring to his room. 

"I wonder if he's ok," she said as she began to remove the dress but thought it would be best to go see if he was ok as she heard the TV on in the living room.

Ville was sitting watching the TV as if it was not there, his heart was at battle trying to understand what he had felt, was he really that in love, yes he was attracted to her, but to feel this overbearing jealousy, to see her being touched by someone else, had incensed him...

He startled a bit as he heard her timid voice "Ville?" she said her face worried. Ville looked at her apparently she was not able to sleep as well. He remained silent." I am sorry, I just heard the TV and I had a mini-night terror, I could not sleep," she said and was met with more brooding silence, "but I will not trouble you I am sorry I am just going to go get some water if you wish to be alone I understand," she said walking away only to feel him get up and encircle her waist growling into her ear.

"I...I'm sorry baby," he said purring into her ear making her shiver "I just...I am confused today was confusing," he said turning her around to face him "I need to know," he said caressing her face with the back of his palm gently, "I need to feel" he added crashing his lips into hers with hunger, making her moan gently "Let me feel you," he said lust in his voice "Let me know what is this I feel" he added kissing her more passionately against her whimpers.

"Ville" Maria mumbled as she tried to resist but slowly began to give in to his seductive kisses, "I..I want this too...." she said biting her lip as he kissed her once more, "My little baby," he said caressing her neck "Give in to me" he added as she moaned into his kiss as he lifted Maria off the floor carrying her to his bed not caring if the TV was on, or the lights were still on in the living room.

As Ville kicked the door open with his foot and laid her gently on the bed pressing her gently against the sheets he knew only one thing "I love you" Ville said. "I love you too," Maria said her oxytocin-filled brain not allowing her to reason beyond the fact that right now all she wanted was to feel him "Let me show you how much....." he said and she sighed as he leaned into her his thumbs running across her lower lip lust and love in each others' eyes.

To say they made love was small compared to how they made their bodies dance and their souls bond beyond the earthly desires of the flesh. Maria smiled between cries of pleasure in the end the planning the idea of making it special did not matter, what mattered was that she was with the man she loved and that giving in to Ville, and only him for this first time, was beyond heaven.

"I have craved you so much Kultaseni..." Ville growled as he claimed her wilting flower, over and over, leaving his mark on her neck "I needed this so much" she gasped, "I love you Ville," she said as they rocked their sanctums against each other in the firelight of his emerald eyes and her dark feral stare, lit up against the fireplace illuminating their bodies with stars and moonlight.

Ville's lovemaking was as fierce as the ocean and it left her breathless with each touch and each kiss, as they memorized each other's bodies "I have dreamt of this each night" he said his vigor stronger as she mewled under his divine form and he howled at her like a wolf in a moonlight night "Me too" she purred, "Say my name baby" he growled "Ville!" she cried out as the bed rocked like a forlorn ship underneath them and they climbed to heaven together...

I am not good at writing love erm...lemon scenes when I am the character so please don't be harsh anyways here it is...

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